2023 Szombathely Challenge Cup | Event Finals Day 2 Live Blog

Welcome to the live blog for for the second day of event finals at the 2023 Szombathely Challenge Cup, held in Szombathely, Hungary!

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11:30 am. High Bar Final Standings

1. Ilias Georgiou, Cyprus, 14.433
2. Marios Georgiou, Cyprus, 14.300
3. Krisztofer Meszaros, Hungary, 14.266
4. Krisztian Balazs, Hungary, 14.033
5. Matteo Giubellini, Switzerland, 13.600
– Nikolaos Iliopoulos, Greece, 13.600
7. Yordan Aleksandrov, Bulgaria, 13.400
8. Ivan Dejanovic, Serbia, 12.433

11:26 am. Krisztian Balazs HUN HB: Layout Tkachev to straddle Tkachev to piked Tkachev, nice! Stalder 1.5, legs went wild, works in L grip for a minute, including on a Tak, back to regular giants for a toe-on and hop full, and then a double double layout dismount with a small hop. 14.033 (5.8, 8.233)

11:23 am. Marios Georgiou CYP HB: Front inbar to Tak full, Tak half, legs wild on the Kolman, inbar to stalder, Zou Li Min, hit the double double layout dismount with a step. 14.300

11:20 am. Krisztofer Meszaros HUN HB: Endo full, nice, Tak half, layout Kovacs, Kovacs, lovely form on both, layout Tkachev, straddle Tkachev, stalder to blind change to L grip, Tak, double double layout dismount, stuck. WOW WOW WOW. He is ON ONE. 14.266 (5.5, 8.766)

11:18 am. Nikolaos Iliopoulos GRE HB: Endo, Tak full, almost to handstand, just a little crooked, really nice Tak half, straddle Tkachev to piked Tkachev, beautiful in the air on both, hop full, stalder half, turns back around for giants into the full-twisting double layout dismount, maybe a little deep but stuck! Great day for him between p-bars and now this. 13.600 (5.1, 8.500)

11:13 am. Yordan Aleksandrov BUL HB: Zou Li Min, Tak half, layout Tkachev, some pike, straddle Tkachev is better, Inbar, stalder, blind change to front giants, Tak opened up nicely, turns around, hop full, and a full-twisting double layout with a step back.

11:11 am. Ivan Dejanovic SRB HB: Tak half, a little late, layout Tkachev, travels really far out and he can’t grasp the bar. Does it again and catches this time, straddle Tkachev, blind change to Tak, back around for a stalder and hop full, then the full-twisting double layout dismount, small hop. 12.433

11:08 am. Ilias Georgiou CYP HB: Cassina, Kolman, some form throughout that one, layout Tkachev, straddle Tkachev, moves into his front giant work with a Tak and some L grip giants, double-twisting double layout, slight leg form in the second twist and a tiny hop on the landing. 14.433 (5.9, 8.533)

11:06 am. Matteo Giubellini SUI HB: Yamawaki, Tak half, German giants to stalder, inbar, blind change to Tak, took a second to open out to handstand, some L bar work, full-twisitng double layout, nearly sticks it, just takes a small step. Really clean work throughout!

11:01 am. High Bar Start List

Matteo Giubellini (Switzerland)
Ilias Georgiou (Cyprus)
Ivan Dejanovic (Serbia)
Yordan Aleksandrov (Bulgaria)
Nikolaos Iliopoulos (Greece)
Krisztofer Meszaros (Hungary)
Marios Georgiou (Cyprus)
Krisztian Balazs (Hungary)

10:59 am. Quick break for the medal ceremonies!

10:53 am. Women’s Floor Final Standings

1. Sona Artamonova, Czechia, 12.966
2. Lili Czifra, Hungary, 12.900
3. Alice Vlkova, Czechia, 12.800
4. Ada Hautala, Finland, 12.733
5. Athanasia Mesiri, Greece, 12.333
6. Ava Stewart, Canada, 12.300
7. Audrey Rousseau, Canada, 12.266
8. Carina Kröll, Austria, 12.166

Parallel Bars Final Standings

1. Oleg Verniaiev, Ukraine, 14.966
2. Krisztofer Meszaros, Hungary, 14.866
3. Nazar Chepurnyi, Ukraine, 14.800
4. Nikolaos Iliopoulos, Greece, 14.200
5. Krisztian Balazs, Hungary, 14.133
6. Jesse Moore, Australia, 13.500
7. Yordan Aleksandrov, Bulgaria, 13.133
8. Matteo Giubellini, Switzerland, 12.433

10:48 am. Matteo Giubellini SUI PB: Wasn’t typing at the beginning but hit everything I saw pretty well, nice Bhavsar, unfortunately kind of sits the Tippelt on the bars so that’s going to be a big deduction, lovely double pike dismount in the air, steps on the landing. Bummer about that Tippelt, this had been going so well. 12.433 (5.6, 6.833)

10:45 am. Audrey Rousseau CAN FX: Double pike with a bounce back, then steps OOB. Front pike through to 1.5, steps forward. Hit the leap pass, and then a double tuck to finish, great landing there. 12.266 (4.5, 7.866, -0.1 ND)

10:43 am. Krisztofer Meszaors HUN PB: Early pirouette work is strong, takes his time getting to one of his handstands, back tuck between the bars is maybe low but not bad, Tippelt, lovely one-arm pirouette, straddle salto was strong, stuck the double front! Yessss! 14.866 (6.1, 8.766)

10:40 am. Ava Stewart CAN FX: 1.5 through to double pike, some form in the air and a bit rough on the landing. Front pike through to double full, little bobble on the landing. Double tuck was short, has to take a few steps out of it to keep it upright. 12.300 (4.9, 7.400)

10:38 am. Nazar Chepurnyi UKR PB: Wasn’t typing but here’s what I remember – gorgeous pirouettes for the most part, only slight adjustments, Bhardwaj was great, double front dismount with a hop back. 14.800 (6.3, 8.500)

10:35 am. Sona Artamonova CZE FX: 1.5 to front full, step forward. Double pike with a bounce back into a kind of lunge, heel maybe OOB? Has some good control in her dance elements generally. 12.966 (5.0, 7.966) – wow, moves her to first!

10:31 am. Nikolaos Iliopoulos GRE SR: Lovely first handstand, Tippelt was nice as well, slight adjustments on transitions between the bars, but most of his pirouettes are nice. Hit the piked double back dismount, great! 14.200 (5.4, 8.800)

10:29 am. Lili Czifra HUN FX: Full-in, stuck! Nice! Double pike is clean, small hop back. Front tuck through to double full, clean, hop back. This was excellent. 12.900 (5.0, 7.900)

10:25 am. Yordan Aleksandrov BUL PB: Wasn’t typing but this is what I remember. Had a couple of moments in pirouettes where he was short or late getting to handstand, and had a salto skill where his legs went a bit wild when he released the bars. Then sat the dismount. 13.133 (5.7, 7.433)

10:22 am. Alice Vlkova CZE FX: Front double full, some form but strong overall. Popa. Good back double full for the second pass. Double back at the end, then a hop full Turn to switch full. Nice dance connection! 12.800 (4.9, 7.900)

10:20 am. Oleg Verniaiev UKR PB: Gets through the single rail work pretty well, just a slight adjustment on the second, and he also arches slightly after the Makuts. Took him a minute to muscle into the Tippelt and then had to adjust in handstand as well. Bhavsar was good. One-arm pirouette into a half turn right away, arches over on another pirouette, double front half was high and stuck. Well, not his best, but good fight through. 14.966 (6.6, 8.366)

10:17 am. Carina Kröll AUT FX: Full Y turn at the start. Had a big bounce back on her double pike, OOB. tour jeté half. Hit the second pass, a front full IIRC? Hit the last pass as well, I wasn’t typing and already forgot what it was. Good routine aside from the first pass landing. 12.166 (4.6, 7.666, -0.1 ND)

10:14 am. Krisztian Balazs HUN PB: Front pike to handstand, really clean, but adjust slightly before the next cast to handstand. Giant full pirouette, half pirouette, front straddle salto, nice one-arm pirouette, Bhavsar, clean Tippelt, so fluid and deliberate in his movements. Double front dismount, some cowboy and ends up a bit short but holds it up! 14.133 (6.1, 8.033)

10:12 am. Ada Hautala FIN FX: Hit the wolf turn and a straight jump double full. Some lack of control on both but not too bad. Front layout through to double full went well, some form but good overall. Clean, solid double pike. Makes it through her dance series well. Popa. 12.733 (4.7, 8.033)

10:09 am. Jesse Moore AUS PB: I can’t explain it but he looks more Australian than any human that exists. Moves well through his early pirouette work, Diamidov was clean, really high floaty double front dismount with a small hop in place. Really nice routine if not the most difficult. 13.500 (5.0, 8.500)

10:07 am. Athanasia Mesiri GRE FX: Front double full, really nice, step forward OOB. Her leo is GORGEOUS. Switch leap to tour jeté full, nice! Hit the second pass, I didn’t pay close attention but it looked like a whip half to rudi? That’s probably wrong but I remember being like oh that’s fun and cool. Full L turn. Basically sticks the double tuck! This was excellent! 12.333 (4.7, 7.733, -0.1 ND)

10:04 am. Start lists for parallel bars and women’s floor!

Jesse Moore (Australia)
Krisztian Balazs (Hungary)
Oleg Verniaiev (Ukraine)
Yordan Aleksandrov (Bulgaria)
Nikolaos Iliopoulos (Greece)
Nazar Chepurnyi (Ukraine)
Krisztofer Meszaros (Hungary)
Matteo Giubellini (Switzerland)

Athanasia Mesiri (Greece)
Ada Hautala (Finland)
Carina Kröll (Austria)
Alice Vlkova (Czechia)
Lili Czifra (Hungary)
Sona Artamonova (Czechia)
Ava Stewart (Canada)
Audrey Rousseau (Canada)

10:01 am. Just wrapping up the medal ceremonies!

9:51 am. Balance Beam Final Standings

1. Anna Lashchevska, Ukraine, 13.000
2. Yelizaveta Hubareva, Ukraine, 12.733
3. Alice Vlkova, Czechia, 12.466
4. Tina Zelcic, Croatia, 12.333
5. Carina Kröll, Austria, 12.166
6. Leni Bohle, Austria, 11.933
7. Ava Stewart, Canada, 11.733
8. Lili Czifra, Hungary, 11.466

Men’s Vault Final Standings

1. Nazar Chepurnyi, Ukraine, 14.666
2. Luca Murabito, Switzerland, 14.249
3. Botond Molnar, Hungary, 13.999
4. Enkhtuvshin Damdindorj, Mongolia, 13.783
5. Usukhbayar Erkhembayar, Mongolia, 13.700
6. Kevin Penev, Bulgaria, 13.483
7. Daniel Villafañe, Argentina, 13.399
8. Eddie Penev, Bulgaria, 13.033

9:47 am. Enkhtuvshin Damdindorj MGL VT: Kaz full, mostly good in the air, step back.

Yurchenko double full, hop back. Block looked a little iffy and didn’t get quite the height he could’ve used, but nothing overly wrong in the air.

13.783 average, that puts him in fourth

9:45 am. Tina Zelcic CRO BB: Switch leap mount. Full turn. Switch leap to wolf jump. Bhs loso, some leg form and a big wobble but fights through. Cross straddle jump, a little low, wobble. Side aerial. Front layout full with a tiny step. 12.333

9:42 am. Nazar Chepurnyi UKR VT: Dragulescu, amazing, nearly sticks it but ends up with a tiny bounce. If the Hungarian went 9+ for his double front, this deserves a 9.8 in comparison tbh. Chest just slightly forward on the landing but his height is wild. 14.933 (5.6, 9.333)

Second vault is a Kaz double full, great in the air but lands pretty far forward and takes a big lunge to hold himself up.

14.666 average puts him in first place

9:39 am. Leni Bohle AUT BB: Really floaty loso mount and gets through the double wolf turn well. Bhs loso welt well. Switch leap to switch half, break at the hips and a wobble there. Front aerial, side aerial comes up short, big wobble and she’s off. Ughhh. Hit the dismount. 11.933

9:37 am. Kevin Penev BUL VT: Gotta be hard for him to go after what happened with his brother 5 minutes earlier. Kaz 1.5, powerful, gets a lot of distance, big hop forward.

Second vault is a Yurchenko 2.5, not where he needs to be in rotation for the landing and ends up really deep before taking a wild step back and crashing it. The poor Penevs!!!

13.483 average

9:34 am. Yelizaveta Hubareva UKR BB: Switch leap mount. Hit the leap and jump series after. Front handspring front tuck went well. Full turn, and a double full dismount, some form, but a nice hit for her! 12.733

9:32 am. Eddie Penev BUL VT: Oh, something definitely went wrong with his block and he’s pointing at the springboard and collar like there’s a problem with the equipment. Went for a Yurchenko but came onto the table with his head practically hitting it/arms SUPER bent/crunched, and does a Yurchenko tuck full I think. Oh man.

Gets the second vault without issue but can tell he’s pissed about the first. Does a kaz full here, some form in the air and a step back.

13.033 average

9:29 am. Lili Czifra HUN BB: Punch front mount, a little short, ends up wobbling, and can’t save it sadly. Fall. Punch front on the beam is clean and solid in comparison. Bhs loso, lovely, one of her feet was flexed but I’ll forgive it. Double turn goes a little wild but she saves that one. Side aerial, little check. Switch leap. Doesn’t connect to the switch half, and takes a step back out of that one. Side somi, slight check. Split jump. This routine is going on forever? Hit the double tuck dismount with a hop back. 11.466

9:27 am. Touch for the second half!

9:24 am. Botond Molnar HUN VT: Handspring double front, powerful! But lands low. Hop forward. 14.266 (5.2, 9.066) – that’s a really high E given the landing

Second vault was a handspring rudi, some pike down and a really low chest on the landing, also some legs in the air, but just a small step otherwise.

13.999 average

9:21 am. Ava Stewart CAN BB: Switch leap to wolf jump. Gets the bhs to tuck full with just a slight wobble, yay! Front aerial, bigger wobble there, doesn’t connect to the split ring jump, another wobble, doesn’t connect to the Korbut. Double wolf turn, looks fine at first but then loses her flow and has a massive wobble that takes her off of the beam sadly. Switch ring. Double pike, chest down, step. 11.733

Okay, they’re putting all of the scores too low now so I can’t see details but will do my best to get the main idea.

9:19 am. Usukhbayar Erkhembayar MGL VT: Kaz full, excellent in the air aside from slight leg separation in pre-flight, ends up a little deep on the landing and takes a tiny step forward to steady himself. 14.000 (4.8, 9.200)

Second vault is…just a kaz? Maybe the first was meant to be a handspring but it was definitely a kaz haha. Anyway the kaz is gorgeous and flared, lovely on the landing!

I missed his average, think it was a 13 something, I couldn’t see the graphic for the second vault at all, it was so low on the screen!

9:16 am. Anna Lashchevska UKR BB: Switch leap mount was lovely, front handspring front tuck with a slight wobble. Switch ring, we had a bad angle but no balance issues. Switch leap to jump series was nice, maybe a little slow in connecting the two jumps but not too bad. Full turn. Switch half, break at the hips, balance check. Back handspring. Front aerial. Side aerial. Both nice. 2.5, a little stumble on the landing that causes her to take a step back. 13.000 (5.6, 7.400)

9:13 am. Daniel Villafañe ARG VT: Handspring double front, really open leg form, really pushes forward for the landing but just doesn’t get the second flip where it needs to be and bounces backwards to sit it. 13.066 (5.2, 7.866)

Kaz 1.5, a little short in rotation, again really pushes to try to get it around, and this time he’s successful in standing it up but it’s still not a GREAT landing. Big step back with a wobble, OOB. Knees are also pretty bent in the air. 13.733 (5.2, 8.633, -0.1 ND)

13.399 average

9:10 am. Carina Kröll AUT BB: Jump to split mount. Wolf with 1.5 turns, got a little balance checky but was overall fine. Bhs loso, floaty but a little short on landing it, leg up wobble. Switch to sissone. Illusion turn, slight wobble there. Side aerial. Side somi. 1.5 dismount was strong.

9:08 am. Luca Murabito SUI VT: Kaz 1.5, lunges forward but this was really nice in the air, just slight knee softness. 14.133 (5.2, 8.933)

Shewfelt for his second vault, similar kind of lunge forward, but another really nice vault overall. 14.366 (5.2, 9.166)

14.249 average

9:05 am Alice Vlkova CZE BB: Solid bhs loso, just some soft knees throughout. Switch to jump to Korbut, great connections. Wolf turn was a little iffy but no issues with staying on. Front aerial, side somi, both strong. Front layout full dismount. Great work! 12.466 (4.8, 7.666)

9:01 am. Men’s Vault Start List

Luca Murabito (Switzerland)
Daniel Villafañe (Argentina)
Usukhbayar Erkhembayar (Mongolia)
Botond Molnar (Hungary)
Eddie Penev (Bulgaria)
Kevin Penev (Bulgaria)
Nazar Chepurnyi (Ukraine)
Enkhtuvshin Damdindorj (Mongolia)

Balance Beam Start List

Alice Vlkova (Czechia)
Carina Kröll (Austria)
Anna Lashchevska (Ukraine)
Ava Stewart (Canada)
Lili Czifra (Hungary)
Yelizaveta Hubareva (Ukraine)
Leni Bohle (Austria)
Tina Zelcic (Croatia)

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