2024 U.S. Olympic Trials | Women’s Day 1 Live Blog

Welcome to the live blog for the first day of the women’s competition at the 2024 U.S. Olympic Trials, held in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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10:04 pm. Day 1 Standings

1. Simone Biles 58.900
2. Jordan Chiles 56.400
3. Sunisa Lee 56.025
4. Jade Carey 55.825
5. Joscelyn Roberson 55.475
6. Kaliya Lincoln 54.875
7. Hezly Rivera 54.825
8. Leanne Wong 54.750
9. Tiana Sumanasekera 54.700
10. Simone Rose 51.675
– Evey Lowe 51.675
12. Zoey Molomo 50.950
13. Dulcy Caylor 50.550
14. Shilese Jones 14.675
15. Kayla DiCello 11.000

10:02 pm. Evey Lowe VT: Yurchenko 1.5, hop forward, solid!

9:59 pm. Jordan Chiles VT: Yurchenko double full, small bounce. 14.325 (5.0, 9.325) – moves her to second all-around!!!

9:57 pm. Leanne Wong FX: Wasn’t typing for this but saw she had a big stumble OOB on her opening double double. The rest looked good to me! 13.150 (5.6, 7.850, -0.3)

Zoey Molomo VT: Yurchenko 1.5 with a slight hop forward. Good power! 13.800 (4.6, 9.200)

9:53 pm. Jade Carey VT: Cheng, some very minor form in the air throughout but the landing was great! 14.600 (5.6, 9.000)

Second vault is the Amanar! Step to the side OOB but wow, she’s happy with that!

9:51 pm. Kaliya Lincoln FX: Good full-twisting double layout! Small bounce. Double layout, also strong. Switch ring to tour jeté half. Popa. Chest was down a bit on her last pass but this was fab overall. 14.150 (6.1, 8.050)

9:49 pm. Touch for the second half of the final rotation!

9:46 pm. Simone Biles VT: Yurchenko double pike, massive, gorgeous, lunge back. Chest placement on that landing is outrageous in the best possible way. 15.975 (6.4, 9.575)

Also vaults a Cheng, her block looked a bit weird to me but I don’t think it was anything truly off. Still looked great overall!

9:44 pm. Dulcy Caylor VT: Yurchenko double full, a little weak in the form and landing. 13.300 (5.0, 8.400, -0.1)

9:42 pm. Simone Rose FX: 1.5 to Rudi, goes a bit low and long, and lands OOB. Think she had a whip to double tuck after that. 2.5 to front tuck, could’ve been a little bit tighter but still a very nice job! 12.550 (5.1, 7.550, -0.1)

9:40 pm. Tiana Sumanasekera VT: Yurchenko double full, minor leg form, hop on the landing IIRC? 14.150 (5.0, 9.150)

9:38 pm. Sunisa Lee FX: Full-twisting double layout, minor hip form. Switch ring to tour jeté half. 1.5 to front full with a hop forward. Double L turn to pirouette. Triple wolf turn. Double tuck is a little slow and she has a stumble on the landing but it’s nothing severe. 13.700 (5.4, 8.300)

9:36 pm. Joscelyn Roberson VT: Cheng, some form in the air and she has to kind of rush it around but she gets there in the end! 14.325 (5.6, 8.725)

Second vault is a Yurchenko double full, really deep landing, knees almost touching if not, but she hops up out of it.

9:34 pm. Hezly Rivera FX: Full-twisting double layout, bounce back OOB. Hit the second pass. Switch ring was lovely in combo. Front tuck through to double tuck, a bit low but she gets it around with a small hop forward. Tour jeté half. 2.5 with a lunge forward. Good day for her! 13.525 (5.8, 8.025, -0.3)

9:30 pm. Rotation 3 Standings

1. Simone Biles 42.925
2. Sunisa Lee 42.325
3. Jordan Chiles 42.075
4. Leanne Wong 41.600
5. Hezly Rivera 41.300
6. Jade Carey 41.225
7. Joscelyn Roberson 41.150
8. Tiana Sumanasekera 40.550

9:28 pm. Zoey Molomo FX: Double layout, a bit deep, little hop out of it. Huge Popa. Double pike, that was like almost textbook. Switch leap to switch side half. Good front full. Solid double tuck. Good work! 13.075 (5.1, 7.975)

9:23 pm. Jade Carey FX: Oh I didn’t type AT ALL at the beginning, I was literally just sitting and watching. My brain gave out. Everything looked great! Double double had a big step back OOB. Front tuck through to double tuck, deep but gets it around. 14.075 (6.3, 7.875, -0.1)

9:21 pm. Kaliya Lincoln BB: Had a wobble on something at the beginning and then also bounced a bit out of the layout series, good corrections. Front aerial, doesn’t connect to the jumps, but her jumps are GORG. Double pike, looked pretty stuck! 12.750 (5.0, 7.750)

9:19 pm. Simone Biles FX: Triple double, ooooooh she twists impossibly fast! Front layout full through to double double, great landing. Tour jeté full had a wonky little bounce on the landing. Biles with a lunge forward. Double layout, huge, just a tiny bounce on the landing. 14.850 (6.9, 8.050, -0.1)

9:17 pm. Simone Rose BB: Hit the beginning, but came off on her acro series sadly! 2.5 dismount went a tiny bit wild but she corrected at the end to land pretty well. 12.225 (5.2, 7.025)

9:14 pm. Dulcy Caylor FX: Double layout, rotates very slowly and ends up really deep, looked like a bit of an ankle cruncher. Double pike is better. Switch ring to tour jeté half. Hit the last pass well. 12.225 (5.4, 7.225, -0.4)

9:12 pm. Sunisa Lee BB: Loooovely on the layout stepout mount. Front aerial to split jump to back handspring. Triple wolf turn is excellent. Switch leap to switch half to split ring jump, truly the most minor of things to nit pick about. Oof, goes really crooked and kind of messy on the loso series but has a miraculous save. Gainer full dismount. 14.400 (6.5, 7.900)

9:09 pm. Touch for the second half of this rotation!

9:05 pm. Tiana Sumanasekera FX: I didn’t see what her first pass was but she hit it! Double layout, landed on her toes. Double pike at the end was clean, hop back. 13.875 (5.7, 8.175)

9:00 pm. Joscelyn Roberson FX: Moors, sliiiightly deep but not bad, full-twisting double layout looked really strong especially in being a bit more stretched! Hop L through to tour jeté full. Double layout, small hop. Front layout through to double tuck. Great routine. 13.925 (6.1, 7.825)

8:56 pm. Evey Lowe FX: Arabian double front, step forward OOB. The floor stream went to commercial in the middle of her routine? Okay, cool. Double tuck at the end was good! 12.775 (5.3, 7.575, -0.1)

8:53 pm. Hezly Rivera BB: Got through the wolf turn, a little iffy on the side aerial. Bhs loso with a tiny little check. Switch to switch half to Korbut. Front aerial to split jump to straddle jump. Nice switch ring. Double pike, lands a little deep, stumbles it back a bit as she pulls up but stays on her feet. 13.700 (5.8, 7.900)

8:50 pm. Jordan Chiles FX: Full-twisting double layout, excellent landing. Front full through to full-in, hop back. Switch to tour jeté full. Double layout, slightly deep but otherwise good. 14.100 (5.9, 8.200)

8:49 pm. Leanne Wong BB: Switch leap mount, switch leap, switch half, didn’t connect any of those and had a slip on the latter. Switch ring was a bit iffy as well. Bhs loso. Front aerial to jump series, just minor things there, side somi, 2.5 dismount with leg form and a hop but she looks thrilled! 13.425 (5.5, 7.925)

8:43 pm. Rotation 2 Standings

1. Leanne Wong 28.375
2. Simone Biles 28.075
3. Jordan Chiles 27.975
4. Sunisa Lee 27.925
5. Kaliya Lincoln 27.675
6. Hezly Rivera 27.600
7. Joscelyn Roberson 27.225
8. Jade Carey 27.150

8:40 pm. Simone Biles BB: Went too hard on the switch leap mount and had a big wobble, also wobbled at the end of the jump series, didn’t connect to the back pike, slight wobble there as well. Triple wolf turn, had to correct at the end. Front aerial to split jump to straddle jump went well! Superb on the bhs loso loso. Side aerial also good. Full-in with a bounce back into a lunge. 13.650 (6.2, 7.450)

8:37 pm. Dulcy Caylor BB: Hit the mount with a little bobble. Bhs loso loso, really nice! Switch to switch half, a bit slow in the connection and short on the leap. Front aerial, wobble before the jump to Korbut. Side aerial. Sissone to wolf jump. Double pike, ugh, just comes up short and has a similar error that we saw from Evey Lowe where the pull back to correct caused her to fall back and sit it. 11.575 (5.2, 6.375)

8:32 pm. Tiana Sumanasekera BB: Beautiful flight on the bhs bhs layout. Front aerial to split jump to Korbut, lovely. Switch to switch half, significant form on the latter I think. Side aerial. Double pike with a little step. 13.950 (5.8, 8.150)

8:31 pm. Sunisa Lee UB: Nabieva to Bhardwaj, COOL. OKAY. Van Leeuwen, some leg form, blind change to straddle Jaeger to Pak, a bit arched but gets it around, Maloney with slight separation to Gienger, blind full, full-in with a step! She looked low key shocked at the end. 14.400 (6.3, 8.100)

8:29 pm. Joscelyn Roberson BB: Nailed the standing full. Switch leap, low back leg to switch half, also not quite there, to back tuck. Good connections I think. Side aerial loso loso, some knee form but super solid, Onodi, doesn’t connect to the jumps but is very close! Strong double pike, step back. She’s thrilled with that! 13.925 (6.2, 7.725)

8:28 pm. Hezly Rivera UB: Hit everything at the beginning including the pirouettes to the Maloney to Tkachev, Pak was clean, Maloney to Tkachev, did she do that again? I assume I missed the entries for the first Maloney-ish to Tkachev-ish. Hit the dismount. 14.025 (6.1, 7.925)

8:26 pm. Moving into the second half of this rotation!

8:22 pm. Evey Lowe BB: Switch leap mount, side aerial loso, switch to switch side, front aerial to jump to Korbut, really fluid, hit the jumps, side somi, double tuck, lands short, pulls her chest up and falls backwards sadly! 12.475 (5.4, 7.075)

8:20 pm. Shilese Jones UB: Glad she’s not scratching entirely! Stalder full to toe full to Downie to Pak to Maloney to Tkachev, YESSSSSSS. CONNECTIONS BABY. Double front dismount with a hop forward. 14.675 (6.1, 8.575)

8:17 pm. Jordan Chiles BB: Slip on the punch front mount but good fight. Bhs loso, full turn, both strong! Side somi is solid. Hit the leap series with only minor form, side aerial, got that around well, switch side, double pike, super powerful! Great landing. 13.625 (5.4, 8.225)

8:15 pm. Leanne Wong UB: Clear hip half to straddle Jaeger, toe full to Bhardwaj, good! Maloney to Pak, clean, van Leeuwen, double layout with a hop back. Great! 13.925 (5.7, 8.225)

8:13 pm. Zoey Molomo BB: Switch leap mount, double wolf turn with a little check, side aerial loso, break at the hips but she corrects well and hangs on, switch leap with a wobble, standing back tuck, front aerial to split jump to straddle jump, some foot form throughout, double tuck with a small hop back. Good job! 13.475 (5.5, 7.975)

8:11 pm. Kaliya Lincoln UB: I didn’t have time to start typing for this but she hit everything I saw pretty well! Stuck the dismount with feet apart, set as a whole was great. 13.450 (5.9, 7.550)

8:09 pm. Jade Carey BB: Good on the front aerial to jump to Korbut series! Really smooth. Bhs loso, also very nice! Switch side had nice amplitude. Switch to switch half to straddle jump, side aerial, double pike is also really nice, step back. But this was kind of fab. 13.575 (5.5, 8.075)

8:08 pm. Simone Rose UB: Stalder full to Maloney at the beginning I believe, to clear hip to Tkachev, stalder half to Ezhova, minor form, van Leeuwen, double layout with a little hop back. 13.450 (5.4, 8.050)

8:06 pm. Rotation 1 Standings

1. Leanne Wong 14.450
2. Simone Biles 14.425
3. Jordan Chiles 14.350
4. Kaliya Lincoln 14.225
5. Hezly Rivera 13.575
– Jade Carey 13.575
7. Sunisa Lee 13.525
8. Simone Rose 13.450
– Dulcy Caylor 13.450

8:05 pm. Okay, they took away the penalty for Leanne’s vault after an inquiry…

8:01 pm. Tiana Sumanasekera UB: Wasn’t typing but this was a hit routine! Solid for her for the most part. 12.725 (5.3, 7.425)

7:58 pm. Joscelyn Roberson UB: Shaposh with leg form to blind change to Ezhova, toe full, a bit rushed, Maloney with leg separation to Gienger, a little low maybe, clear hip, full-twisting double layout with a solid landing. 13.300 (5.7, 7.600)

7:57 pm. Hezly Rivera VT: Yurchenko double full, a bit short and deep, lunge forward. 13.575 (5.0, 8.675, -0.1)

Evey Lowe UB: I didn’t see this. 12.900 (5.4, 7.500)

7:55 pm. Omg Leanne Wong’s vault score. I’m pretty sure they took two points for it being one-handed. EEP.

7:52 pm. Jordan Chiles UB: Van Leeuen, blind change to piked Jaeger, toe full was a bit weak, but corrects into the piked Tkachev to Pak, Maloney to Gienger, full-in with a little bounce. 14.350 (6.0, 8.350)

The arena playing HOT TO GO after Jordan’s UB, hard agree

7:51 pm. Leanne Wong VT: Did the Cheng, got it around better than I expected after the drama we’ve just witnessed! Some leg form mostly and not super powerful especially compared to others doing this vault but hardly the weakest we’ve seen. Except pretty sure they took the one-hand ND omg. 12.450 (5.6, 8.850, -2.0 ND)

Also vaults a Yurchenko double full, big lunge back.

7:47 pm. Halfway point for the first rotation! Touch underway now.

Shilese Jones apparently just walked off of the floor during the vault touch…

7:45 pm. Zoey Molomo UB: Stalder to toe half, meant to be a full but she got stuck halfway through, corrects with an extra half turn, Maloney was a bit short but gets it to the Pak, van Leeuwen is good, straddle Jaeger with some feet, muscles the handstand out and then sits the double front, ughhhh. 10.600 (4.4, 6.200)

7:44 pm. Kaliya Lincoln VT: Yurchenko double full, really big air off the table, big hop back, looked really strong! 14.225 (5.0, 9.225)

7:43 pm. Jade Carey UB: Wasn’t typing during this, had some form throughout but nothing disruptive to her routine, made it through very well overall and should be happy with that! 13.575 (5.6, 7.975)

7:42 pm. Simone Rose VT: Yurchenko 1.5, hop forward. 13.450 (4.6, 8.850)

7:40 pm. Simone Biles UB: I started typing at the Maloney to toe full, a little rushed, to Tkachev to Pak, van Leeuwen, toe full, late there but gets it into the dismount, just a hop. 14.425 (6.2, 8.225)

7:38 pm. Sunisa Lee VT: Yurchenko double full, comes up a bit short, has some form in the air, but safely lands it with a hop and chest down. 13.525 (5.0, 8.625, -0.1)

Dulcy Caylor UB: 13.450 (5.3, 8.150)

7:36 pm. Kayla DiCello VT: Yurchenko…OOP. Oh eff. Balks, does a Yurchenko tuck basically, and goes down, having her leg looked at. I hate this. 11.000 (3.0, 8.000)

7:35 pm. Competition starting now!

7:29 pm. I’m not in the arena sadly despite being credentialed, I was supposed to fly out on Thursday morning but had some personal stuff go down the night before and ended up staying in NYC (and Delta couldn’t get me on another flight out until SUNDAY MORNING so I was like no that’s ridiculous). But I am going to be live blogging via the Peacock stream!

7:27 pm. Okay, my friend in the arena said she is walking and running around the arena and looks “just fine” and USA Gymnastics just tweeted that she is going to compete. EVERYBODY BREATHE.

7:25 pm. Some drama in the minutes leading up to the start of this competition as Shilese Jones had to get checked out over on vault, but apparently she was up and walking around after? I hope she’s okay. After losing Skye Blakely to an achilles injury I don’t think I can handle another “basically a lock” gymnast missing out in any way.

6 thoughts on “2024 U.S. Olympic Trials | Women’s Day 1 Live Blog

  1. Wondering if Shilese can somehow come back to make it. The team of Biles, Chiles, Lee, Carey, Jones would be very well round and cover pretty much all events very evenly.

    With RU not present this year, USA really has no serious competition unless they really mess up….lol..


    • That was exactly my team after last night – even if Jones isn’t fully back to health her bars adds more than pretty much anyone else could bring so I’m all for it.


  2. I’ve been running simulations, and even if Jones can only do bars, the team wildpig1234 proposed projects to score half a point better than the best team with no Jones at all (which would be Biles, Chiles, Lee, Carey, and Lincoln by my calculations). And if Jones was able in a month to also give beam a go (at least in qualifying), all the better.

    I guess the Careys know what they’re doing, since the upgrades seem to have come in on schedule (I wish NBC had shown Jade’s Amanar, but at least we got live coverage of the cheers that must have been for her success with it :-)). I was a bit disappointed that there wasn’t a bit more distance between Jade and Joscelyn Roberson in the E score on FX.

    I was hoping that Wong would make a stronger case for herself, but as it stands so far, I’d say that Sumanasekera tops the list for potential alternates.

    (BTW, my top simulated men’s team after day 1 of trials is Juda, Malone, Moldauer, Nedoroscik, and Richard.)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s impressive that the 2021 team still all have that level in them. On the flip side, it kinda sucks a bit that development wise, US still haven’t gotten new faces that are better than the old veterans. But i guess we said this same thing back in 2016


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