Valentina Melendez

Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 8.09.17 PM

Full Name Valentina Melendez Valdez
Nation Mexico
Birthdate February 15, 2006
Status Active

Click here for all coverage related to Valentina Melendez on The Gymternet.

2024 Results

Date Competition VT UB BB FX AA
May 22-26 Pan American Championships EF 12.750* —— 10.467 —— ——
AA 12.600 10.900 11.933 11.700 47.133
QF 13.033 10.767 12.300 12.267 48.367
Mar 6-10 International Gymnix EF 12.683* —— —— —— ——
AA 11.150 9.550 10.450 10.800 41.950

2023 Results

Date Competition VT UB BB FX AA
May 14-18 Mexican Championships AA 12.766 9.333 9.566 11.266 42.931
Feb 17-19 WOGA Classic AA 13.200 8.700 10.050 9.200 41.150

*Average of two vaults in an event final

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