The 10 Stages of Gym Fanaticism

Every gym fan has their gym obsessions. Certain skills, routines, gyms, even entire countries…and of course, we have that one gymnast we discover one day early in her career and can’t get enough of. Behold the ten stages of fanaticism from initial discovery all the way through to your ever-elusive comeback dreams.

1. The “Who Is That?” Stage

USA Gymnastics

The moment you first lay eyes on your favorite gymnast isn’t usually a “love at first sight” moment, but something manages to catch your eye. You probably noticed her huge skills, artistry beyond her years, or the fact that she can muscle her way through a dead stalder.

2. The Confirmation Stage

USA Gymnastics

Realizing your first encounters weren’t flukes, your warm fuzzy feelings are confirmed. You have a new favorite gymnast.

3. The Evangelism Stage

John Cheng

With your newfound adoration, you tell everyone how great your favorite gymnast is, how she’s the next Olympic champion, and how they should keep tabs on the “next Nadia/Mary Lou/Svetlana.”

4. The Fan Blindness Stage

Dylan Martinez

“Oh…her toe point? It’s fine. No, no, I know that she fell 6 times at Nationals, I’m sure she’ll pull it together. I for one love her floor choreography. I think it’s downright balletic. What? She’s only got a full on Vault? I’m sure she’ll make up for it elsewhere. She broke her leg, foot, and elbow? She’ll definitely make the Olympic team; it’s happened before!”

5. The “I Told You So” Stage

Associated Press

After your favorite gymnast becomes relevant to people besides fanatics like you, it’s fun to tell everyone how much you loved her from the beginning. It’s also a good time to subtly present her new accomplishments to the doubters from stage four.

6. The Pride Stage

Getty Images

YES! She did it! Your favorite won a medal at Worlds, made the Olympic team, or just, um, stayed relatively healthy this season! Like a good fan, you tweet her a “congratulations” and finally feel like the heartache of watching her fall repeatedly at nationals was worth it.

7. The Fame Stage


You start seeing your favorite in news outlets or at events, even if they’re only gymnastics-related ones. While you’re excited to see her in the media, you secretly wish she’d just return to the gym.

8. The Secondhand Embarrassment Stage

Startraks Photo

Fame makes people do crazy things. When your favorite gymnast does a commercial about making her taco pop, makes a TV movie about her life, or wears a ridiculous costume on tour, you cringe but do it silently. She may be signing bizarre contracts, but she’s still your favorite gymnast.

9. The Comeback Stage


When your favorite announces her comeback, you’re thrilled but hesitant. She better be serious about this. She hasn’t peaked yet, has she?

10. The Endless Wishing Stage

Getty Images

After she announces her retirement or is quiet about her plans, you continue to hope and pray for another comeback. The gymnastics world just doesn’t feel right without your favorite…until you discover a new favorite from the next generation and start the whole thing all over again.

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Article by Bekah Harbison


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