Pan American Games Subdivision III


The 2015 Pan American Games team gold medal went to the women from the United States, who earned a 173.800 to easily top the podium.

The host team from Canada took home the silver medals after posting a 166.500 while the Brazilians came in strong for bronze with a 165.400 even despite recently losing Rebeca Andrade to a knee injury shortly before the Games began.

The competition also acted as the individual qualifications. Americans Amelia Hundley and Maddie Desch were the top qualifiers into the all-around with scores of 57.65 and 57.3, respectively. Sofi Gomez of Guatemala qualified 3rd with a 57.2, Flavia Saraiva of Brazil was 4th with a 56.35, and Ellie Black of Canada was 5th with a 55.65 after a somewhat rough night.

The top vault qualifiers included Marcia Videaux of Cuba with a 14.95 average, Paula Mejias of Puerto Rico with a 14.75, and Yamilet Peña of the Dominican Republic with a 14.5. The Americans had the top three spots on bars with Rachel Gowey and Hundley nabbing their two available slots with scores of 14.7 and 14.5 while Jessica Lopez of Venezuela and Isabela Onyshko of Canada came in for the third spot with a 14.3.

On beam, it was Saraiva to finish at the top with a 14.55 followed by Gowey with a 14.5 and Gomez with a 14.35, while on floor Desch topped the charts with a 14.65, followed by Hundley with a 14.3 and Saraiva and Black, each with a 14.2.

Now, onto the third subdivision recap!

Black went for a tsuk 1.5 as her first vault, showing soft knees and taking a step forward to earn a 14.4. Her second vault was the handspring layout full, showing a ton of power but lacking a bit in form, her body looking quite piked and landing pretty deep in the knees for a 14.1 to average a 14.25, qualifying fourth into the vault final.

We didn’t get to see her bars performance, though she earned just a 12.95 after reportedly falling on her piked Tkatchev. Putting it behind her and moving to beam, she had a wobble on her double spin, and came in much too low on her punch front pike, landing it with one leg below the level of the beam though she stood right up out of it. She hit the bhs layout, however, and then went for the bhs tuck full with her leg up and a big wobble though she managed to stay on. The switch to switch half was fine, she landed the punch front tuck without issue, and hit her 2.5 dismount with a small hop over, earning a 14.1.

Black finished up on floor with a 2.5 through to double tuck bounced back slightly, a nice front double full to front tuck to stag, and a punch layout full to a double pike, a very strong routine for a 14.2 to end her day in the all-around qualification with a 55.65.

Onyshko went up first on vault, performing a clean FTY landed with just a slight step back for a 14.1. Moving to bars, she showed a Maloney to clear hip full to Tkatchev, a Hindorff to pak where unfortunately her major V style leg separation made a reappearance, a van Leeuwen, and a double front with a step forward for a 14.3, a nice score considering the mistakes.

On beam, Onyshko showed a solid bhs bhs layout right off the bat, hit her jumps, nailed the front aerial to illusion half, had a slight bobble on her switch ring, hit the side aerial with her chest down a bit, had a great switch to gainer layout and a clean switch half, and performed a super cowboyed double tuck dismount landing a little short and needing to take a big step forward, earning a 13.45. On floor, she went for a tucked full-in (bounced back slightly), a 1.5 through to cowboyed double tuck, and a double pike with a lunge back for a 13.6, earning a 55.45 in the all-around qualification.

We didn’t see Maegan Chant‘s first vault, but she went with a very big handspring layout half as her second vault for a 14.05, averaging a 14.15 to land a spot in the final no problem. She unfortunately had a fall on her bhs loso on beam, but finished with a solid double pike, bringing in a 12.85. On floor, she was the last Canadian up, opening with a double layout with slightly bent knees before hitting her piked full-in and double tuck for a 13.35.

Madison Copiak vaulted an FTY to start, getting a ton of distance but finishing with her chest down and hopping forward quite a bit for a 13.8. On bars, she caught a piked Jaeger, a clear hip to pak, a toe on to toe full to Maloney, a toe half, and a clean full-in dismount for another 13.8.

On bars, Victoria-Kayen Woo performed a great original recipe shaposh to bail to toe shoot, but then she struggled on her clear hip full, getting it only halfway around and needing to take a few moments to regroup and take some extra giant half swings. She caught her Jaeger, and hit her double layout with no problems for a 13.4.

Moving to beam, she hit her bhs loso with a leg up, front aerial to wolf jump, side aerial, a double turn with a big wobble though she fought to stay on, and a 2.5 dismount with a step, turning in a 13.5, not bad for a leadoff routine with mistakes. Finally, on floor she hit her piked full-in with a hop back, a double pike, a double full, and a slightly skidded 2.5 to finish with a 13.4.

For Brazil, the adorably spunky Saraiva qualified 4th in the all-around final with a 56.35. She began on floor with her 1.5 to front double full with a little skid forward, her toes just going out-of-bounds. She nailed her tucked full-in, hit her double pike with a step back, and stuck her double tuck, a great exclamation point on an excellent routine to bring in a 14.2. She vaulted just an FTY, looking exceptionally clean and powerful for a 14.15.

She hit a Tkachev to pak to begin her bar routine, continuing with a clear hip to toe shoot, a toe half to front giant half, a toe full, and a clean full-in on bars, posting a 13.45 for her effort. She finished on beam with a 14.55 after hitting her solid bhs loso loso, though she had a major wobble on her roundoff layout and looked like she may have touched her fingers slightly to the beam. Her switch ring was lovely and she nearly connected it into the sheep jump, she nailed her punch front tuck, and her double pike dismount was excellent.

Daniele Hypolito got the Brazilians started on floor with a 1.5 to front double full landed well. She continued with a 2.5 to front layout with just a small hop over, hit her Memmel turn and double L turn to double pirouette, a near-stuck double tuck, a lovely double pirouette to Popa, and a solid double pike to finish for a 14.15, a great start. On vault, she performed a clean Yurchenko 1.5 for a 14.3 and then a Yurchenko half-on front pike half off, her foot going out-of-bounds for a 13.9, averaging a 14.1.

On bars, Hypolito hit a clear hip to clear hip full to Tkatchev, a clear hip half to gfront giant full to bail to toe shoot, and a clean double layout that looked totally stuck from where I sit. She earned a 13.3 on beam, hitting her bhs bhs layout with her leg coming up, a bhs loso, side aerial to sissone to side somi, all slowly connected, full L turn, and then sadly a double tuck that didn’t get any punch off the beam and landed very short with her knees grazing the mat. She finished her day with a 54.8, qualifying 8th into the all-around final.

Leticia Costa hit a powerful double layout to begin her floor routine, continuing with a tucked full-in with a hop, a double pike rebounded back slightly, and then she sadly sat her arabian double front to finish, a bummer of an end to an otherwise solid routine to earn a 12.85. On vault, she came back with a nice FTY for a 14.15. On bars, she arched over on a handstand, though caught her Gienger and Jaeger, and hit her double front with a step for a 12.45.

Lorrane Oliveira, who earned just a 12.05 on floor, performed an outstanding DTY on vault for a 14.75. We didn’t see anything from Julie Sinmon, though she had a hit beam for a 13.75.

Dovelis Torres of Cuba opened beam with an excellent front tuck mount. She hit her punch front and then her bhs loso with a check in her hips, but had a solid switch to back tuck and full turn. Her side somi had a wobble, she nailed her switch half, there was a slight check on her side aerial, and she had a near-stuck double tuck, a mostly solid performance for a 13.15.

She vaulted a rough DTY for a 14.3 to start and then sat her handspring tuck front full for a 12.9, averaging a 13.6 to finish just outside the vault final.

On floor, Videaux had a stumble on a dance element but then hit a very nice whip to triple full. She sat her 2.5 to front layout, which came in with nowhere near enough power, and then she stumbled forward and put her hands down on her tucked full-in. Her double tuck to finish was fine, but by then it was too late for the new senior, who looked very upset with herself even before they flashed her score of 11.15.

Thankfully, she looked much better on her best event, vault, where she has a tsuk double full and a handspring Rudi. We only saw the Rudi, which earned a 15.05, though she got a 14.85 on the tsuk to average a 14.95, putting her first into the vault final two tenths above Mejias.

Mary Adny Morffi, who earned a 12.45 on beam, got things started on floor with a 2.5 stumbled slightly over but she did a good job of controlling a potential out-of-bounds situation, and she also did a good job on her double tuck and triple full.

We also got to see Leidys Perdomo on floor, who opened with a big tucked full-in. Her 2.5 to front tuck had a slight hop forward, she nailed her double pike, and hit a solid double tuck to finish for a solid 13.85. We didn’t see Leidys Rojas on beam or floor, where she earned scores of 12.45 and 12.75, respectively, though she vaulted a solid Yurchenko 1.5, taking just a slight step forward for a 14.2.

Finally, we got a glimpse of Marisa Dick of Trinidad & Tobago on several events, including bars, where she performed a Jaeger, a clean pak salto, a clear hip half to toe on to toe shoot, a giant full, and a tucked toe front half dismount for a 12.45.

On beam, she showed a cool springboard jump into a split mount and nice low beam choreography before showing a lovely double spin, though she did have a slight check. Her switch leap missed the connection into the side aerial, though she hit the split leap to side somi and a very solid bhs loso. She had a fight to stay on after her front aerial touching her finger slightly to the beam, hit her sissone to switch side though with somewhat weak amplitude, and she hit her double full with sloppy leg form, though a nice landing for a 12.55.

The Pan Am Games will continue tomorrow evening with the all-around finals. Event finals will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday. Full results from today’s competition are available here.

Article by Lauren Hopkins

3 thoughts on “Pan American Games Subdivision III

  1. I guess US made it look easy winning by over 7 points with a score that could’ve medaled at 2014 worlds. Gowey ub and bb shows that she still has the potential to mix with the top tier on US national team. Guess we will have to wait til tomorrow night to see if they can keep the AA streak going…. I am hoping Desch can go 4 for 4 when it counts most. Hundley also did good for herself..


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