2016 Olympic Test Event Subdivision 2 Live Blog

We’re here at the 2016 Olympic Test Event, bringing you all of today’s action LIVE! Update your page every few minutes to see updates. The most recent will appear at the top.

2:58 pm. Headed to the mixed zone! Back in a bit.

2:56 pm. Kysla FX- Hit first pass. 1.5 through to 2.5, tiny steps. Double pike is great. Not that anyone is even watching her. Great routine.

2:55 pm. With all scores in, Switzerland is two points ahead of Romania and less than a tenth behind Australia. Brazil has a super comfortable eight point lead.

2:53 pm. Mokosova FX- Her “Let It Go” floor routine BLESS. Can’t see because people are STANDING because they’re RUDE but I think she finishes with a double full. Hit routine.

2:51 pm. Brogli BB- Solid bhs loso. Rude that the crowd is making noise and leaving while there are still competitors going. We get it, Brazil was amazing, but don’t be d-bags. Gainer pike nearly stuck to finish and Switzerland is celebrating about as much as Brazil did!!!

2:49 pm. Siegenthaler BB- Nails bhs bhs loso series. Side aerial, and a nailed double tuck. SWITZERLAND!!!

Nekrasova FX- Sat second pass.

Omg the score comes up and Brazil is going insane, the girls are SOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!! High fives everywhere. Such a change from this morning’s mood.

2:47 pm. Andrade UB- Some casual screaming before she goes up from everyone here. Brazil is EXCITED. Stalder full to Tkachev to pak to stalder to van Leeuwen, toe half to piked Jaeger, toe full to full-in with a tiny hop. BRAAAAAZZIIIIIIILLLLLLL!!!!!! STANDING OVATION and they not only killed it here counting no falls all day, but they will also be a HUGE team finals threat despite not being top eight in 2015. HUGE threat.

2:43 pm. Steingruber BB- Full turn, switch with a pause before side somi, wobble. Steingruber dismount looked a bit piked. Fully hit routine, sorry I missed some!

Oliveira UB- Maloney to pak, clean. Toe on to van Leeuwen, gets applause. big piked Jaeger, none of the problems she had at American Cup. Front giant full to double front with a hop. YAS.

Gebeshian FX- Nails opening pass. Front lay to front full to stag, excellent and clean. Big jumps. Love this routine a ton. Double tuck to finish. HOURY’S GOING TO THE OLYMPICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2:40 pm. Afrati VT- Clean FTY, chest slightly down. Does a second vault but I missed it.

Käslin BB- Side aerial is clean. Front aerial to sissone to wolf jump, very nice lines. Full Y turn with a tiny bobble, full-twisting back handspring, ring leap, just lovely work. NICE bhs bhs loso! Finishes with lovely gainer layout dismount.

Saraiva UB- Good piked Jaeger. Great work on Tkachev to pak, Clear hip to toe on to toe shoot, good. Toe full, full-in with a hop, crowd goes mad.

Valente FX- Hit the first two passes, I think the second was a double full. Kind of a slow-moving routine. 1.5 to finish. Nice little fanfare at the end.

2:37 pm. Millousi VT- Yurchenko layout, clean.

Barbosa UB- Misses a release, I think Jaeger. Huge cheers as she gets up. Pak. Maloney to bail to Ray. Front giant half, then a double layout pinged off early, step forward.

Lopez FX- Whip to triple is slightly short but she covers it well. Double pike is good. Double full. Ends with a 2.5 to front tuck. Nice work from her today!!!

2:34 pm. Chusovitina VT- Comes in really early on the table for her Rudi but hits it. Second vault I think is a tsuk 1.5. She looks up at the crowd and gives them a little wave before coming off the podium.

Pedro UB- Toe full arches over but she controls it. Maloney to bail to stalder to Ray, good. Big Jaeger. Double front with a hop. Awesome comeback from her earlier falls.

Barloggio BB- Hit routine including a gainer layout dismount.

Abdul Hadi FX- Great double tuck. Hit second pass. 2.5 is solid. Another good comeback given her three earlier falls.

2:32 pm. More scores…

Brazil VT- Andrade 14.933, Barbosa 14.966, Hypolito 14.333, Oliveira 14.608, Saraiva 14.533.

Switzerland UB- Barloggio 13.233, Brogli 12.166, Käslin 13.433, Siegenthaler 13.266, Steingruber 13.6.

2:26 pm. Mokosova BB- Off on bhs loso. 😦 I guess the good news with everyone falling is that it doesn’t ruin your chances too much. Front aerial to sheep jump. Good gainer dismount.

Thank all of you for your comments about this live blog!! I’m glad you’re enjoying. Trying to capture it all!

2:22 pm. Nekrasova BB- Good back tuck, wobble on bhs loso but waves her arms around and like magic she stays on. Switch ring. Side somi. Off on punch front tuck and she knew it before she even landed the skill, just not happening. Full L turn with a wobble. Good double tuck.

2:19 pm. Gebeshian BB- Great straddle jump to wolf jump. Side aerial with a tiny check but great control. Two foot bhs to loso, great. Full turn. Switch to back tuck is SOLID. Double tuck with a step. YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH.

2:17 pm. Afrati FX- 1.5 through to triple, GOOD. Full-in tucked, little bounce. Camera flashes going off. WHERE’S UCLA TO END THIS MADNESS. Double pike. Great double tuck.

2:16 pm. Andrade VT- Another awesome DTY. They’ve got to be second best to the USA on vault right now.

Valente BB- Off on bhs loso. 😦 Ugh, and her leaps are a bit short as well. Gainer pike with a hop.

2:14 pm. Brogli UB- Bail to clear hip to clear hip hecht, I think pings the low bar. Markelov! Giant full on the bar into a double pike…knees were bent in a lot of places but hey, she’s not a bars worker.

2:12 pm. Käslin UB- Endo half to stalder hecht to high, big Tkachev, stalder full to bail to Ray, double pike with a hop.

Lopez BB- Nails layout series. Nice big switch half!! Front aerial to sheep jump. 2.5 with a hop. Good routine.

Oliveira VT- DTY with a slight step. YAS.

Millousi FX- Hit first pass. Good work on her turns. Double pike with a stumble back. Very Greek sound to her music, and then a little ocean wave at the end, LOVE IT.

 2:11 pm. Barbosa VT- DTY, and it’s pretty freaking good!

2:09 pm. Saraiva VT- DTY, good! Step to the side.

Abdul Hadi BB- UGH stumbles on switch ring and falls. Damn, I was hoping her world cup falls would save her here. Back tuck, falls AGAIN. That’s three falls including bars. Switch to Y turn, wobble but holds. Hit the rest including dismount.

Steingruber UB- Toe full to HUUUUGE Gienger. Big double front with barely a bobble.

Chusovitina FX- Tucked full-in, small bounce. Hit second pass. Double tuck with a hop back. YAS CHUSO.

2:08 pm. Siegenthaler UB- Caught Jaeger, dead hang coming up from low bar, hit dismount.

2:05 pm. Kysla BB- Hit routine, including double tuck dismount.

L. Wevers FX- Schindler’s List music YAAAAAAAAAS. Music problem at the beginning OMG IF YOU CRIED AT LAST YEAR’S ROUTINE YOU WILL END YOUR SOUL WITH THIS ONE. Double tuck. Choreo is HAUNTING. DAMN. Dance elements lovely as usual. Solid 2.5. Finishes with quad turn. DAMN.

Hypolito did a second vault, but I missed it.

2:04 pm. Hypolito VT- Nice Yurchenko 1.5!

Barloggio UB- Great work from what I saw, including a double front with a step back.

2:03 pm. Some scores…15.066 for Steingruber’s Rudi, 14.15 for Saraiva’s floor, 14.6 (!!!) for Sanne Wevers beam, 13.891 for Barbosa’s floor, 13.933 for Hypolito’s floor, 13.633 for Lopez’s bars, 13.966 for Millousi’s beam, 13.2 for Jupp’s beam (her difficulty is SO low), 13.566 for Mokosova’s bars, 13.433 for Kysla’s bars, 13.133 for Gebeshian’s bars…

2:00 pm. Moving on to the third rotation! Live results are down.

1:55 pm. Millousi BB- Switch, bhs loso with a little wobble, switch ring, front aerial, sheep jump. No real connection work so far because of pauses. Side somi. Some crazy music is playing. It’s making me nervous. Side aerial, warning bell, then a good double pike with a step forward. Yay!

1:54 pm. Nekrasova UB- Catches Jaeger, bail, toe shoot, giant full, and double pike with a small step.

1:52 pm. Chusovitina BB- Punch front pike, solid. Switch to split jump. Bhs layout is piked but hit. Lovely low to beam work. Punch front tuck is good. Full wolf turn. Warning bell…Double tuck with a step. YAS CHUSO.

1:51 pm. Gebeshian UB- Omg I’m nervous, piked Jaeger, giant full to bail awesome to toe shoot, very good work. Big tucked full-in with a tiny step. YAY HOURY!!!!!!

1:48 pm. Jupp BB- Big punch front. Random bhs. Then a bhs loso. Must’ve balked. Double turn. Switch ring. A little wobble on something after. Solid switch to back tuck. Double pike with a step.

Valente UB- Toe on to giant full to blind change to Jaeger with flexed feet. Bail to toe shoot. Hit dismount.

Pedro FX- 1.5 through to double tuck, cowboyed but good! Nails double arabian. 2.5 skids then sits. Second fall of the day from her. 😦 She must be a nervous wreck…it was a big decision between her and Theodoro going in today as the sixth gymnast, not made until podium training. Poor kid.

1:44 pm. Downie BB- Hitting everything I can see, including front aerial to split jump, side somi, double pike with a step back. Good recovery from her bars drama.

Oliveira FX- First pass hit, 2.5 is good. Clean double full, a downgrade. Double tuck with a small hop. Great work.

Lopez UB- Maloney to clear hip, Tkachev to Gienger, both good. Jaeger, giant full to bail to toe shoot, and I missed the rest because of these DAMN VOLUNTEERS CLIMBING OVER ME. But I think she hit.

1:41 pm. S. Wevers BB- Lovely double L turn. OMGGGG SIDE AERIAL SIDE AERIAL FRONT AERIAL WAS PERFECT. Full twisting bhs. Gainer layout nearly stuck.

Abdul Hadi UB- Good van Leeuwen. Big Tkachev. UGH, then loses steam on double layout and crashes.

Saraiva FX- First pass is a little off but she covers well. Crowd is losing their $#@% to this music just as I knew they would. Hit full-in. Solid double pike. Gets the crowd clapping along. This is going to SLAAAAAAAAAAY IN AUGUST I’M CRYING. Double tuck to finish and the crowd is GONE.

1:38 pm. L. Wevers BB- Switch to sheep jump. Side aerial to side aerial, tiny bobble. Front aerial to bhs. 1.5 L turn. Lovely double turn. Side somi is good. Nearly stuck gainer layout dismount.

Steingruber VT- Rudi with a small hop, great form!

Barbosa FX- Tucked full-in, good. Hit second pass. Good 1.5 to front full. Hit last pass.

Kysla UB- Caught pak, toe on to van Leeuwen is nice, front giant full to Jaeger, good double front. Great work.

1:37 pm. Mokosova UB- Jaeger, pak to stalder to Maloney, to bail to toe full to Ray, GOOD!!!! Hit dismount but I couldn’t see because someone is standing in the way.

Brogli VT- Hit FTY.

1:34 pm. Hypolito FX- Music is not working. Starting again. Skids a little on first pass. VOLUNTEERS SIT DOWN, I CAN’T SEE. They are SO ANNOYING. They’re here to be working and instead are all filming every routine. COOL. Double tuck bounced back. Stuck double pike!

Afrati BB- Leg up on bhs loso. Hits dismount.

Schulte VT- FTY with a small hop.

1:30 pm. Brazil’s beam scores are Barbosa 14.233, Hypolito 14.166, Oliveira 13.566, Pedro 12.466, and Saraiva 14.566.

Switzerland’s floor scores are Barloggio 12.966, Käslin 13.533, Schulte 12.833, Steingruber 14.708.

1:28 pm. Sorry, somehow my Steingruber post didn’t go through…she had an awesome routine!!

1:26 pm. Pedro BB- FINALLY. Didn’t go because of a “technical difficulty.” Over ten minutes. Starts with tour jete. Solid bhs loso. Front aerial to split to sissone. Side aerial. Switch to back tuck, stumbles and falls, though they won’t need to count her score because the rest were so good. Cowboyed double tuck to finish.

1:21 pm. Chusovitina UB- Fudged her first element, I think just saw her hands slip as she was going up into handstand, tried to hold on but was like “nope.” UGH. Stoop through to Jaeger caught close, giant full to bail caught almost in overshoot, extra swing before toe shoot caught close, and then she casually sticks her full-in.

Pedro left the podium to wait for the judges to get their lives together.

1:18 pm. SUUUUUUPER long wait for this poor kid, Carolyne Pedro, a first-year senior whose only major experience is Jesolo. Crowd is giving her some applause to keep her pumped up. It’s seriously been almost ten minutes between beam routines.

1:15 pm. Downie UB- Hop change to front toe half to Chow to Shang, falls. UGH. Toe full to Downie I think, hard to see, and then she goes straight into her pak, misses her hands and falls again, and looks to be injured…nope, just slightly flustered. Big deep breath before continuing, and does Maloney to Hindorff, pings off early for her dismount but still hits it.

Gebeshian VT- Big awesome NCAA FTY!! Biggest FTY of the bunch in her rotation so far. Second vault is a tsuk full with a tiny bobble on the landing.

1:14 pm. Schulte FX- Full-in (tucked) is OOB but hits double tuck well, and then a good double pike to follow.

I hate being in front of floor because I have to watch bars and beam simultaneously and have to keep bouncing my head back and forth!

Valente VT- Yurchenko layout with a hop back. Her great work comes on beam and floor.

1:12 pm. Lopez VT- Is this the first we’re seeing her this year? I feel like she’s always at some world cups but yeah, haven’t seen her yet I don’t think. DTY, a tiny bit short with a small step but she hits it!

Jupp UB- Jaeger, Church to pak is very clean, Maloney to Gienger, hits dismount.

Oliveira BB- Ring leap. Good bhs loso. Front aerial, everything else good, double tuck is cowboyed but stuck!

1:10 pm. Wevers UB- Clear hip to shaposh to clear hip full to bail to toe shoot, all nicely done. Giant full to blind change to straddle Jaeger, half pirouette right on the bar, and a lovely floaty double layout, nearly stuck. This was Sanne, btw. Lieke’s not doing bars.

Abdul Hadi VT- FTY a little short.

1:08 pm. Saraiva BB- Not as much madness for her because she’s not one of the veterans but still a good roar. Nails flight series, then roundoff layout! Tiny stumble on switch ring. Front aerial front aerial side somi, stumble but saves it to huge applause. Double pike with a step back.

Käslin FX- Good big piked full-in to start. Hit second pass, double back. Tucked full-in is good. Great routine for her there.

Kysla VT- Solid FTY.

1:07 pm. Afrati UB- Stalder full, catches release, pak caught close but well, van Leeuwen, big double pike with a little hop. Very clean work.

Mokosova VT- Clean FTY with a tiny hop. Some slightly bent knees.

1:04 pm. Nekrasova VT- Hit it…Yurchenko layout I think.

Barbosa BB- Cheers for Dani’s score as it comes up and more cheers for Jade’s mount. Roundoff loso is AMAZING. YAS Dani. Kills layout series. Switch side. Clean full L turn. Punch front nailed. Switch to back tuck also solid. DAYUM. She’s not playing. Near stuck double pike. Standing ovation.

1:03 pm. Big chant going up for Dani coming down and Jade going up!

Millousi UB- Clear hip full, great pirouette work into her Jaeger, lots of front giant stuff, double pike is super high and nearly stuck.

1:00 pm. HERE WE GOOOOO!

Hypolito BB- She ended the test event as a hero on beam in 2012 and now she picks it up here in 2016. Nails bhs layout to big applause (it’s a bit piked). Little stumble on something right after. Good full L turn to pirouette, nicely connected. Side aerial. She is getting full cheers after every skill. Nearly a stuck double pike and the crowd is LOSING THEIR MINDS.

Barloggio FX- Double tuck with a bounce. 2.5 to front layout. Double pike stumbled but held up.

12:57 pm. Deafening roar when Brazil comes in. Athletes heading for warm-up now!

12:49 pm. Ten minutes until the second subdivision gets underway! Just spotted Milena Theodoro and Julie Kim Sinmon in the crowd to cheer on their teammates. Brazil and Switzerland are the two teams in this subdivision, along with individuals from Azerbaijan, Slovakia, Ukraine, Malaysia, Venezuela, Argentina, Armenia, Greece, Netherlands, Great Britain, and Uzbekistan.

Article by Lauren Hopkins

16 thoughts on “2016 Olympic Test Event Subdivision 2 Live Blog

    • It’s great to see them supporting their gymnasts but I hope they don’t start booing during the team final when other countries out perform them.


      • At the 2015 São Paulo World Cup they were generally supportive no matter what, even when Shang Chunsong beat Flavia on beam despite Flavia being almost flawless with giant upgrades, and the same thing when Deng Yalan beat Rebeca Andrade on vault. But at the 2007 Pan American Games they booed almost all the way through every single non Brazilian routine and then went completely out of their minds when Brazilians went up. So it could go either way.

        Liked by 1 person

        • 2007 Pan Am Games came to mind when I was writing the comment. I hope they are supportive with other gymnasts but I wouldn’t put it past them to boo.


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