International Gymnix Challenge Session I Live Blog

Welcome to the live blog for the first session of the Challenge competition at the 2018 International Gymnix! We’re live in Montreal once again to bring you updates, photos, and more from the meet.

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9:03 pm. SO I think all three of the Challenge sessions combine for the all-around totals? The second and third flights come tomorrow, but this was the strongest group so I don’t think anyone will challenge the current leaders…which majorly shifted!!! The Hill’s floor scores couldn’t fend off the Canadian vault scores, or Irina’s bars score! Right now it’s…

1. Isabela Onyshko, Canada, 54.134
2. Victoria-Kayen Woo, Canada, 53.885
3. Irina Alexeeva, WOGA, 53.867
4. Kayla DiCello, Hill’s, 53.851
5. Shallon Olsen, Canada, 53.800
6. Madeleine Johnston, Hill’s, 53.168
7. Lilly Lippeatt, Cincinnati, 52.635
8. Megan Roberts, Canada, 52.285

9:01 pm. Mejias BB- Punch front mount on, and then just pops right off. BOOOO UGH. Punch front tuck a little low after that. Sideways straight jump full, kewl, cartwheel, the most cartwheely roundoff?, to back tuck with a bobble and then a fall, off again on an attempt at a double wolf turn, ugh, that’s three falls, which is #extra. Switch leap, pause, switch side. Front lay full dismount with a hop.

9:00 pm. Blakely UB- Inbar to toe full, nice Tkachev to Pak, oh, but then it looks like her grip gets stuck on her pak because one arm swings up but the other is like “NOPE.” Kind of jerks her to a stop and she comes off. 😦 Beautiful handstands before her stalder to full-in, tiny baby step. She’s so lovely!!!

DiCello FX- Tucked full-in, little bounce. 2.5 with a step. Whip half to front full, little step. Double tuck with two little steps back to finish. Again…THESE DARN HILL’S KIDS, AM I RIGHT, OR AM I RIGHT???

8:57 pm. Hit the opening series, but I couldn’t type because my page was refreshing, it was LOVELY though. Like stalder full to Maloney or whatever the like, into a lovely Tkachev. Also hits a double tuck dismount, super clean form. Great work!

Maldonado BB- Punch front, fall. :-/ Split jump to straddle jump to back tuck, good. Bhs loso, little adjustment. Switch to side aerial. Good 2.5 dismount. I like her a lot.

Onyshko VT- FTY, nothing dramatically bad or good about it, just a run of the mill FTY.

Johnston FX- Beautiful double arabian! Clean double full. Double pike nearly stuck. Again…EXCELLENT work. Damn these Hill’s kids are like “hi we’re amazing.”

Little VT- DTY, some form stuff, but not bad!

8:54 pm. Morgan VT- FTY, a little…short and overrotated at the same time if you can believe it? But for real though.

Alexeeva UB- Toe full to van Leeuwen, piked Jaeger gets a little messy, Pak with leg sep, Maloney to Gienger, cowboyed double front with a step but she’s happy about that!

McClain FX- Huge stuck double layout!!!! Hit the second pass as well. 2.5 to front tuck after that is nice. Double pike, landing is a little wild but she gets her life together and pulls it up.

De Jong BB- I missed the beginning, looked like she wobbled on an acro skill from what I could see. Side split half, bhs loso, slight check. Side aerial. Switch to split jump with a little bobble. Double tuck, only a slight bounce. Yay, nothing disastrous in that!! Happy for her.

R. Woo VT- DTY, short, but stands it up, could’ve been worse! I think this was her first DTY in a while? I can’t remember Elite Canada and it was only a month ago.

8:52 pm. WELL Martina is just sobbing in a corner SAME I’m upset

8:45 pm. Gallentine VT- Clean FTY, a little shy on the landing, hop to the side.

Diaz BB- Punch front mount, wobble, side aerial, fell on a jump, split full was nice though, switch to sissone, off again on flight series. Double full dismount.

Trevor UB- Ray a little low but nice catch, inbar to inbar full, Pak, nice, stalder half to front giant half, double…pike? Layout? Dismount. If it’s a layout, her hips are quite piked. If it’s a pike, they’re super open. #AMBIGUOUS #ITSASECRET

V. Woo VT- FTY with a hop.

Esposito FX- Good double pike. Double tuck is also solid. Omg she does like…a lasso part in her choreo? A lasso with a hip swivel. I’m screaming. This needs to be compulsory in every routine. Front tuck through to 1.5 with a step forward.

I’m so glad the line judges here sit in lifeguard chairs.

8:43 pm. Olsen VT- I missed her first vault, but she did the Cheng for the second! It was a little messy but hey, SHE DID THE CHENG. Oh the Cheng WAS the first vault. DTY for the second is great, just some soft knees.

UB- Pak, to stalder to toe full to Maloney to Ricna, UGH, fell right at the tail end of that marathon. Back on for piked Jaeger. High double front but she super cowboys the seconf flip.

Chrobok BB- Off on a leap early on. 😦 Off again on an acro skill. Big wobble on double spin, that’s just nerves now. Side somi with a wobble. I missed the rest.

Dominici FX- I missed her first pass and THEN SHE SAT HER DOUBLE ARABIAN. END ME. Hit double tuck and last pass, prob a double pike I CAN’T EVEN WATCH.

Moody UB- Toe full to Maloney to Pak, high full-in, hit routine!

Lippeatt FX- First pass was a little shy. Good second pass. Third pass goes a little crooked but she brings it back center with the punch. Her music is super fun. Double pike with two steps back.

8:35 pm. After three rotations, it’s Kayla DiCello in first with a 40.984, Isabela Onyshko in second with a 40.434, and Victoria-Kayen Woo in third with a 40.235. Madeleine Johnston’s beam score hasn’t updated yet but she could def break into that group.

Edit, it just updated and she’s now third! 40.334 to just edge Woo, and she’s only behind Onyshko by a tenth.

8:31 pm. Onyshko FX- Front full to stag opening pass, she’s def gonna play it safe here. Switch ring to switch half, some funky choreo. Nice set into her double tuck, just some leg sep in the air. Memmel turn to illusion turn. This music is interesting and fun, I like it. Double pike a little low but not bad.

Johnston BB- Double spin, break at the hips but halts herself with no fall. Punch front is great, side split jump half, bhs loso is solid, front aerial to split jump to back tuck, side aerial to switch leap to split leap, lovely! Double tuck is almost stuck, just the tiniest little step to control. Very nice.

8:28 pm. McClain BB- If she falls the way she did at classics last year I’m going to react just like Victoria Smirnov’s coach did. Bhs bhs layout big and floaaaaty but she gets too much pop out of the landing and pops right on off the apparatus. UGHHHHHHHHH. Full turn. That’s like a Chinese level layout though. Side aerial, switch leap to switch half, beautiful extension on both, back tuck, not connected to the leap series but still nice. Front aerial, little check before ring jump series, standing full CASUAL with a little bobble, split jump, sissone to wolf jump with a wobble, GOD THIS ROUTINE COULD BE AMAAAAZING. At least a three-hour prep for her dismount, bless, good double pike with a step. Too bad about the fall but that was SUCH a promising set.

Morgan FX- Big double arabian but doesn’t quite have the landing, fall. 😦 2.5 with a step into an arabesque. 1.5 to punch front, good.

Maldonado UB- Caught her release, second release is a huuuuge Gienger, bail to toe on to toe shoot, double pike with a hop.

8:26 pm. De Jong UB- Big straddle Jaeger way above the bar, Pak, toe on to Maloney to bail, toe full, legs come apart but she quickly brings them together, into a toe shoot, double layout with a small hop. Great fight!

Blanco VT- Another good, solid FTY.

8:23 pm. Trevor VT- Yurchenko layout, some bent knees and a baby hop.

V. Woo FX- Double layout, niiiiice! Stuck! Front tuck through to 2.5 with some helicopter legs. Lovely work as usual.

Esposito BB- Switch half to straddle jump, tiny bobble on bhs loso, switch leap to split jump to back tuck with a wobble, couple of steps back, and a fall. 😦 1.5 dismount with a big hop forward.

Diaz UB- Jaeger, hands down on her double pike.

Alexeeva VT- Clean FTY.

8:18 pm. Gallentine FX- Omg her music is so cool and different. Tucked full-in with a step. Triple full, gets it around though her chest position isn’t the best, but still nice work in the air. 1.5 to front layout. I wish there was a little more choreo in this set because the music is faaaab. 2.5 with a big step forward. She needs to diva sass this routine to the heavens and I’d fangirl my life away for it.

8:13 pm. Diaz UB- Big Tkachev, bent her knees a little on the catch though, bail to toe shoot, giant full, double pike with a step, good job.

Lippeatt BB- Love her mount. Bhs bhs layout, eeeee! She’s so small. Front aerial to split jump, side split jump half, bhs loso loso for her casual second flight series, split jump full is weak compared to everything else, not quite at 180 with a wobble, side aerial to switch leap to split leap, she is WERKING EVERY SKILL IN THE BOOK. Double pike with her chest down and a step to the side.

Olsen FX- Double double, chest slightly down with a step, and a little wild in the air. Front tuck through to double tuck is much cleaner. Piked full-in is low with a hop. Triple full is practically over-rotated. Def a strong routine for her.

8:09 pm. Moody VT- Big clean FTY, a little short on the landing and she has to hop back, but nice air, A+ floaty.

Roberts FX- Dos Santos, niiiice. Big piked full-in. Hit the double tuck and double pike. Great work.

Chrobok UB- Maloney to Ray, great, hit the rest including a stuck double front! By stuck I mean she wobbled a tiny bit with her arms but good work holding on with her feet.

Dominici BB- Switch leap mount. Wobble on the switch half, wobble on her front aerial. Bhs loso with a windmill arms wobble but a save. Wobbly on a side somi as well. Big switch side with more wobbly arms. Well, she’s staying on! Double tuck with a small step.

8:06 pm. Blakely VT- FTY, nice, step back.

Mejias UB- Toe on to Gienger, nice. Fell on something after that, which I missed. Hit the rest.

DiCello BB- A couple o wolf turns to start things off. Little check on her triple flight series. Front aerial with a check. Side split jump half. Stuck double full cold. Little bobbles and adjustments but mostly great work.

Little FX- Hit her opening pass. Then a triple full which she jumps around, are you going for a 3.5? That’d be pretty cool. 2.5 with a step. Good routine!

Davis VT- Clean FTY with a little bounce.

8:04 pm. After two rotations, Kayla DiCello leads (DESERVEDLY SO!!!!) with a 27.584, followed by Isabela Onyshko in second with a 27.400, and then Victoria-Kayen Woo in third with a 27.168. Madeleine Johnston is in a tight fourth with a 27.067 on top of that. A good group here!

7:59 pm. R. Woo BB- Punch front tuck to big straddle jump, niiiice. Bhs layout with a wobble that just gets a little out of control but she pulls it back. REEL IT IN. Switch ring is prob the nicest one we’ll see today, good job. Quick and easy full turn. Side somi, good sideways switch half, would be cool to see if someone could try connecting those. Front aerial, switch half to split jump, double pike a tad low with a hop, mostly a really lovely routine.

7:57 pm. Morgan BB- Triple wolf turn, casual and she made it look easy. Double wolf turn after it. Solid work on her bhs loso. Front aerial is also great. Side aerial, switch leap to split leap to split jump, lovely lovely lovely. Side somi with a slight adjustment. Sideways split jump half with great extension. Double tuck with a big step back. She missed qualifying to elite at the Buckeye qualifier this year but I’d say keep a close eye on her. SHE’S GOOD.

7:54 pm. V. Woo BB- Back handspring mount, wobbles but fights and gets control. Bhs loso is also a little wild but she also gets control there with a step out of it. Front aerial to split jump is good. Side aerial with her leg up but she makes it a little dancey. Double spin is gorgeous. Switch to split leap. Side somi. Nice extension on her side split jump half. 2.5 with a hop. Good work once again.

Alexeeva FX- Memmel turn. Big double layout, just a tiny bit hesitant on the landing. 2.5 to front tuck is better. Switch ring to Ferrari, nice. Hit third pass, which I think ended with a front full? It’s in my bad angle. Double pike, great landing, feet just apart if you want to get picky.

7:52 pm. Trevor FX- Whip whip through to double pike, nice, gets applause! Rudi with a hop to the side, good fight on that landing. 1.5 to stag is lovely. Double tuck, chest down a little with a baby hop. Good work.

De Jong VT- Seocnd vault is a Yurchenko half-on front tuck with a hop.

7:47 pm. McClain UB- Inbar to toe on to stalder half to piked Jaeger, fingers are a tad too far to grasp it and she falls. 😦 Nice work on her Pak. Maloney to giant half, full-in with a step back.

Diaz VT- Tsuk full, good landing.

Moody FX- Big air on her 2.5. Double pike stumbled back and sat. 1.5 to front layout. Easy double full with nice form and a solid landing. Shame about the second pass.

Gallentine BB- Double wolf turn gets a tiny bit wild. Side somi with a wobble. Bhs loso is solid. Side aerial with a little adjusetment and step. Switch to split leap. Short on her side split jump half. I missed the rest but saw her dismount looking hit out of the corner of my eye.

De Jong VT- Hands aren’t great on her block and she doesn’t get the time she needs in the air for her DTY, couldn’t see if she put them on the mat but it was a low, forward landing. Shame, her warm-up vault was fine.

7:44 pm. Olsen BB- Front aerial, bhs loso loso is soliiiiiid, nice. Switch to switch half is wonky and a little short, split jump to wolf jump, both also just not QUITE there, switch ring with a wonky back leg, wouldn’t get credit at worlds but might be okay here, tiny bobble on her Onodi, illusion turn with a wobble, double pike, chest low with a step back. One of her more confident sets I’d say!

Haley de Jong just hit her DTY in the vault touch and fist pumped for herself, GET IT.

7:42 pm. Lippeatt UB- Ricna, nice, MLT clapped hahahaha. Inbar to Pak, some leg sep, WEILER HALF YOOOOO to stalder to toe shoot, with a smile, BLES. Toe full, a little crooked, full-in with a hop to finish. MLT’s happy about that one.

7:37 pm. Little BB- Punch front tuck, good, bhs loso oh CRAAAAP misses her foot on the loso and keeps tumbling backwards into another loso but she’s fully off the beam. That looks like it hurt. Front aerial to side aerial with a big wobble that she controls. Legs are all over the place on her leap series. 😦 She was SO good on bars. 2.5 with a step.

Davis FX- Piked full-in stumbled back a bit. Hit the second pass. 2.5 with a step forward.

Roberts BB- Bhs loso with a slight wobble but she pulls it through. Full turn, wobbles to the side with a little extra rotation, Kochetkova with a wobble and a couple of steps back as the crowd is like OOOOOH hahaha. Side somi. Side split jump half, switch to switch half, side aerial a little under rotated with a wobble, stuck the double pike cold! Chest just down a bit.

7:36 pm. Blakely FX- BIG BAND. Tucked full-in with a step. This is so Carly Patterson, I’m HERE FOR IT. God I’m gonna cry, there is nothing better to perform to?!?! Double full. All the feels with this music. Double tuck low with a step.

Dominici UB- Toe full to Maloney to big Tkachev, came off. 😦 UGH THIS KID. This is her senior debut and she’s SO GOOD. WHY. Pak with leg sep. Clean van Leeuwen, piked Jaeger, double front dismount with a couple of steps. Looks gutted.

Chrobok VT- GETS DAT ROTATION ON THE Y1.5!!!! Good landing, she’s even leaning forward a bit!

7:32 pm. DiCello UB- Toe full to Maloney to big clean Pak, gorgeous, shap half, blind change to piked Jaeger, full in is huge. Great work once again.

Onyshko BB- Hit the bhs tuck full but then CAME OFF ON A CHOREO ELEMENT NOOOOO GOD WHY. Switch to side aerial is good. Switch ring with a wobble. Hit jump series after that. Front aerial to switch half to split jump, nice. Hit the dismount.

Mejias VT- Hit, but I didn’t see what it was. I also missed her second vault but her butt was way low on the landing.

7:28 pm. Maldonado VT- Hit the FTY.

Johnston UB- Hop change to piked Jaeger, nice, clear hip to Pak, toe full with tiny ankle sep  to Maloney to bail to toe shoot, hit the dismount, very nice work! So impressed with Hill’s right now.

Blanco FX- Double pike, hit the second pass to stag, both good. Stuck the double tuck. Ugh, sat the final pass, I think a 2.5.

7:26 pm. As of right now, Onyshko leads with a 14.0, followed by DiCello with a 13.85, and Gallentine with a 13.767.

7:21 pm. Trevor BB- Bhs bhs layout, nice! Switch leap, switch half, no connection there and a wobble on the latter. Front aerial with a little check, split jump to wolf jump, full turn, sideways split jump half, Onodi with some form issues and a wobble but good fight, double pike is a little low with her chest but not bad!

7:16 pm. Lippeatt VT- Clean FTY, just not as big and bold as the Hill’s FTYs.

V. Woo UB- Shaposh to clear hip full, toe on to bail to toe shoot, clear hip half to piekd Jaeger, hit the dismount, great work!

Diaz FX- 2.5 to punch front, good. Hit the pass after that, I think a double pike, was kind of blocked. Her music audio keeps getting louder and louder, shoutout to whoever is drunkenly falling asleep on the volume button. Clean double full to finish.

Moody BB- Front aerial to split ring jump, Bhs loso, solid, switch side, punch front, hit a leap series after that, full turn, steady, side aerial to split jump, she’s easily been the most confident from WOGA so far. Finishes with a double full, just a bounce. Great work!

Esposito VT- Yurchenko layout. Well done.

Morgan UB- Stalder full, Maloney to Pak, van Leeuwen is nice and clean, HUGE Jaeger, huuuuge double front. Her air! She’s gooood.

7:13 pm. Davis BB- Wobbles through her double wolf turn. Good bhs loso, just some bent knees. Side aerial to straddle jump but not really connected. Onodi to split jump was her best so far! Same switch to switch half to split half that one of her teammates did earlier. Missed her foot on a leap after that and had a series of wobbles. Double pike with a couple of steps back.

Dominici VT- I think she went for the DTY and put her hands down on the landing. 😦

Gallentine UB- Maloney to Pak, nice. Shap half gets a little wild, straddle Jaeger is big though, and hit the dismount.

Chrobok FX- Something through to a double tuck. Hit the pass after that but into the corner where I’m blocked so I didn’t see any of it unfortunately. Double full with a hop back. Low double pike to finish but she stands it up.

7:12 pm. Little break for the mid-rotation touch. Rose Woo didn’t do bars which was surprising…she warmed them up earlier before the meet.

7:09 pm. Blakely BB- Front aerial to split jump to split jump half. Nice! Just a little shy on the split half. Punch front tuck to straddle. Switch to switch half to back tuck, good amplitude. Sissone to side aerial, double tuck dismount with a step. She’s fab.

Olson UB- Stalder half with a pause into the piked Jaeger, good, ail with legs apart to toe full to stalder to toe on to toe shoot, I think some of her toe-on work as I’m writing it might actually be inbars but her feet don’t clear the bar much if they are. Hit the full-in.

7:07 pm. Mejias FX- Sat her double arabian. 😦 😦 😦 Hit the Rudi, a little wild on the landing. Clean double tuck.

7:02 pm. DiCello VT- Another big clean FTY from Hill’s. Love love love.

Maldonado FX- OMG I THINK SHE OPENED WITH A RANDI. I’m like 900% sure. Ugh, double tuck to her knees.

Little UB- Toe full, Chow to Pak, nice and clean, Maloney to bail, a little crooked, to toe shoot, I missed a couple of things after that but she hit them, double layout is nice and tidy.

Blanco BB- Switch ring, bhs loso with a wobble back into a couple of steps but she holds onto it. Front aerial to split ring jump, great connection, side somi with a wobble, switch to switch half to…split half! Nice! Side aerial. Hit her double full dismount. Lov eher on this event.

Roberts UB- Caught her release, Pak with leg sep caught a little jerkily, toe full to Maloney is good, to bail to toe shoot. Just a double tuck dismount. Not bad!

6:59 pm. McClain VT- Hit her FTY, not bad! Just some leg form.

Onyshko UB- Messy toe full (to the point of being surprised she kept it on the bar and didn’t have to hop off, great fight!) to Maloney to Tkachev, gets it over so that’s good! Hindorff, Pak with her legs in a V, toe half to front giant to double front with a little bounce.

Alexeeva BB- She went before the session technically started so I only saw her dismount. KEWL. I was looking forward to that!

De Jong FX- Hit the first pass…and the second. Good double tuck with a bounce.

Johnston VT- Beautiful clean FTY! Small bounce back on the landing.

6:57 pm. In the first rotation we’ll see Revolution, Hill’s, CGA, and Argentina on vault, Canada and Everest on bars, WOGA on beam, and Canada and Puerto Rico on floor.

6:55 pm. Touch warmups are beginning now! I love seeing WOGA here with a big team of six…they’ve been so clean and solid in the pre-meet warmups! Lots of other U.S. kids are in this session, as are the Canadian seniors, Argentina, and Puerto Rico.

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