2019 Summer Universiade Live Blog | Women’s Team Final

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Nabs creeping in to steal your golds

Welcome to the live blog for the women’s team final and individual qualifications at the 2019 Summer Universiade, held in Naples, Italy.

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1:28 pm. Here are the team final and all-around qualification standings!

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1:24 pm. So it should be Japan, Russia, and Italy on the podium in that order, but I’ll have full final results shortly!

1:21 pm. Denelle Pedrick CAN FX: Excellent triple full to open! A volunteer’s face during her very clearly NCAA choreo is pure bewilderment LMAOOOOO I’m DEAD. 1.5 to layout barani, nice! Finishes with a double pike to her hands and knees. 😦 Rough day for Canada, but Jessica did pretty well at least!

1:18 pm. Jessica Dowling CAN FX: Leap into the corner to open her routine. 2.5 to punch front, not bad! A little wild in her Memmel to full turn. Double pike. Double full to stag jump. Good work getting through that! 12.300

1:16 pm. Alana Fischer CAN FX: Double tuck to her hands. Next pass was a 1.5 to punch front tucked barani, basically lands it on her head. OUCH. Hit the front layout full at the end, step back and some leg form.

1:15 pm. 13.350 for Lilia Akhaimova, which is the top floor score, but Russia doesn’t get the team gold. Japan pulled it off in the final stretch!

1:14 pm. Japan with a 108.450 right now, no Tatiana Nabieva on floor SADLY. Russians are praying waiting for Lilia’s score to come in.

1:13 pm. Asuka Teramoto got a 14.550 for her Rudi! 14.100 for Aiko Sugihara, so Japan picked up some major points there. Still waiting for Lilia’s score!

1:11 pm. Lilia Akhaimova RUS FX: Double layout, leg form is iffy in the air, solid enough landing though. Dos Santos, good! Just a little low. Arabian double front, again with the leg form, step forward. Her pike form is weirdly way superior than her tuck, but could just be that she’s exhausted later on in the routine and giving away tenths at this point in the routine. Tucked full-in to finish, a little low, tries to correct and it takes her OOB with a lunge back.

1:10 pm. Aiko Sugihara JPN VT: Big and floaty and clean Yurchenko 1.5 with a hop forward, she’s happy with that.

1:07 pm. Uliana Perebinosova RUS FX: Oof, she got NO set into that double layout, honestly NO CLUE how she landed it but she had basically no problems aside from being a little crunched down in her body position. Double tuck is better. Wolf turn is a little wild. Double full. Little stumble back on the double pike. Did she not do any front tumbling? I might have missed something. Oh yeah, she does a front tuck through to her double full, just saw the replay. 12.900

Hitomi Hatakeda just finished vault, 13.85 for her but we didn’t see it! Most likely a Yurchenko 1.5.

1:04 pm. Standings going into the final rotation! Russia needs to average 11.2 on floor routines to take over the top spot, but Japan’s about to put up a Rudi and a Yurchenko 1.5 on vault, so it could get very close.

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1:01 pm. Tatiana Nabieva RUS BB: Oh, she’s scratching beam, so never mind. Her smile when she presented was like “tee hee I’m hilarious.” Ugh, I really wanted her to medal in the all-around.

12:59 pm. Lilia Akhaimova RUS BB: Hit her mount series into her jumps and then a solid layout series. Switch leap, grabbed the beam on her wolf turn. Wobble on her full L turn. Side aerial, little scoot back. Hit the double tuck dismount a little low, lunge forward. 12.300

Aiko Sugihara got a 13.250 on floor!

12:57 pm. We’re missing Aiko Sugihara’s entire routine to focus on Lilia Akhaimova standing around. This is why Our Lord and Savior Viktoriia Listunova invented splitscreen.

12:53 pm. Hitomi Hatakeda JPN FX: Solid opening pass, clean 2.5 to front pike, and another solid double pike to finish. Great routine! 13.000

I think Jessica Dowling hit beam!

12:50 pm. Asuka Teramoto JPN FX: I didn’t see the very beginning but think she did a 1.5 to…triple full I’d guess for her first pass? I caught it for her second pass, which was a front double full, but she skidded and sat it. Oof, just not her day. Also wild on her wolf turn. Double pike, little bobble on the landing.

12:49 pm. Nabieva’s penalty on bars was for excessive preparation so she literally got a 0.3 penalty for screaming at herself which is goals. #JustNabsThings

12:45 pm. Alana Fischer CAN BB: Solid bhs loso! Just some form there. Double spin goes a little wild at the end and she falls. Another fall on her standing back tuck. Switch leap, low back leg. Side aerial to back layout dismount. 9.050

Else Geurts with a nice Rudi on floor just now in the background.

12:41 pm. Team standings! Russia with a HUGE lead ahead of Japan. Of course they have the vault advantage right now, but Japan has also made far more mistakes than what is expected of them. Losing a hit beam score for Asuka Teramoto is gonna hurt. For Canada/Italy comparison, Italy was around a 51 at the halfway point in their subdivision, so they should come out on the podium here with Canada likely missing out.

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12:40 pm. Gonna try to catch some screencaps for ya now at the halfway point.

12:38 pm. Jessica Dowling CAN UB: Inbar to blind change to straddle Jaeger, caught it crooked and had a little adjustment, good Tkachev, messy on the inbar full, Pak is better, Maloney to bail, some leg form, to toe shoot, nice handstand before her giants into her full-in, step back. Some of her skills were a little loose in the legs today but then others were great. 12.950

12:35 pm. Denelle Pedrick CAN UB: Blind change to front giant half, loses some form and is a bit awkward in her swing, to Tkachev, nice in the air but caught SO close. Pak, a little high on the catch, toe shoot, blind full to tucked toe front half dismount, hop. 11.700

12:33 pm. Alana Fischer CAN UB: Low Tkachev, clear hip to bail, a little short, misses her feet on her toe-on as she attempts a toe shoot, kips out of it, tries it again and misses her feet again, flies off the bar. NCAA-to-elite problems when you’re not used to doing a low-to-high transition. Gets the toe shoot on the third try, but then pauses and rests her hips on the high bar, double layout a bit low, lunges out of it.

12:29 pm. Uliana Perebinosova RUS UB: Tweddle to Ezhova, a little crooked on the latter, Maloney, doesn’t get the backswing she needs to get momentum into the Tkachev, takes an extra swing and doesn’t connect, but gets the Tkachev to Pak. Van Leeuwen, just a bounce in place on the full-in. Her leg form was iffy at various moments throughout. 13.600

12:27 pm. Lilia Akhaimova RUS UB: Toe-on to toe full, super late, Maloney to blind full to Tkachev, kind of rushed so she’s losing form but solid connections. Bail to toe shoot, also a bit messy, toe half to front giant, she’s soft everywhere, low double front half-out but she sneaks the landing around. 12.950

Only a 12.600 for Asuka Teramoto on beam. 😦

12:26 pm. Good, they’ve now officially shown three straight minutes of Nabieva waiting for her score, it’s fine! 13.500! She got a 0.3 ND? Not sure why…

12:23 pm. Tatiana Nabieva RUS UB: Toe full is late and arched, to Maloney to Pak, some leg form issues on both but good cover. Stalder full is much better, into a van Leeuwen, a tad crooked. Stalder half to straddle Jaeger, big air and pretty clean. Slightly messy legs going into her full-in but excellent in the air and on the landing.

12:20 pm. Hitomi Hatakeda JPN BB: Good punch front, pause after the front aerial into her jump series. Clean side aerial, but lands it facing sideways, wobble and arm swing on her side somi. Lovely switch leap to switch half. Beautiful amplitude on her bhs loso, just a small check at the end. Full turn, overrotates it slightly. Double pike with a step back. Excellent, just those tiny bobbles. 13.100, top beam score so far!

Nabs is hilariously and angrily mumbling to herself right now before bars.

12:18 pm. Touch warm-up for the second rotation. Russia should have the highest score coming in here so far thanks to those vaults from Akhaimova and Nabieva but I didn’t get a chance to screencap the standings.

12:14 pm. Lilia Akhaimova RUS VT: We missed her first vault but she got a 14.400. Second vault is the…tsuk double? She crashed it about a half rotation short so they’ll probably downgrade. At least she got the DTY score for the team.

I thought Lilia had a Rudi so she either legitimately changed it to a DTT or she just twisted HELLA EARLY today. It’s def getting tsuk credit.

12:13 pm. Hitomi Hatakeda JPN UB: Nice inbar to inbar full to toe-on to van Leeuwen, SO crooked on the catch of the van Leeuwen, though, and a weaker bars gymnast probably couldn’t have gotten out of that but Hitomi covered it super well. Blind change to piked Jaeger is nice. Bail is a little crooked in the hips, stalder to Ray, toe full to full-in with a hop. 13.850

12:11 pm. NABS IS VAULTING AND THEY’RE NOT EVEN SHOWING IT. She got a 14.550 according to Olly!!! DTY, and she also did a second vault.

12:10 pm. Asuka Teramoto JPN UB: Inbar half to piked Jaeger, inbar full, legs come apart but she pulls it back and connects to the Gienger. Inbar to blind change to straddle Jaeger, very nice there, bail to Ray, clean, and a great full-in to finish. 13.750

Jessica Dowling got a 13.000 on vault (she normally does an FTY) and Denelle Pedrick I believe only got a 12.500 so I’m not sure if she went for the DTY and crashed it?

12:08 pm. I believe we missed some of Canada’s vaults…just heard the announcer say “second vault” so I assume that’s Denelle Pedrick.

12:06 pm. Aiko Sugihara JPN UB: Maloney to Gienger, some leg separation in the release, arches over a handstand after, pulls it back for a toe half, but then collapses onto the bar. Pushes back up into a reverse grip handstand for her piked Jaeger, good, then a nice bail to toe shoot, and a stuck full-in. Bummer about that mistake but overall she looks really good right now after some injuries last year. 12.450

12:04 pm. Alana Fischer CAN VT: Excited to see her making her elite debut here. She was a J.O. gymnast in Canada before going to SEMO, so she hasn’t done elite abroad OR at home, so I love that she got the chance to come here. Just a Yurchenko layout, lots of power in her run but her block is a bit weak, not a ton of distance, small hop back.

11:59 am. The touch warm-up is just finishing up for the first rotation!

11:51 am. Good morning and welcome to Tatiana Nabieva Day here at Universiade! We’ve already gotten a close-up of her illuminati back tattoo so I think it’s going to be a good one.

Italy currently leads the team final with a 103.500 after finishing up in the previous subdivision, and Lara Mori leads the all-around with a 50.300, but Japan, Russia, and Canada will be coming in hot in this final subdivision of today’s competition, which serves as the team final as well as the qualifier for the all-around and apparatus finals.

There are no live scores for this meet but I’ll do my best to bring as many scores to you from the stream as I possibly can.

13 thoughts on “2019 Summer Universiade Live Blog | Women’s Team Final

    • Great for them! I thought Japan would be much further ahead but Asuka had basically her worst day ever so *shrug* but Russia looked great, aside from Lilia’s second vault I think they hit everything! They’re getting that consistency lesson from the juniors.


  1. Ugh, POOR Asuka – she’s always been my fave from Team Japan and one of my faves full stop, so I really hope this is just her getting the kinks out before Worlds. I need my girl to hit!!


    • Yeah, that was a bummer…she looked incredible at all of the Japanese meets but just kind of fell apart here unfortunately! And she still looked really good, just had a lot of mental mistakes it seemed.


      • Do you think she can shake off whatever her issue is in time for worlds? This is making me nervous, especially with Mai not competing this year – this team CAN’T not qualify to Tokyo!!


        • I think so! Everyone has a rough meet, and she still got a 52+ not looking great, so I don’t think it’s a reason to worry. I think she’ll be fine in time for worlds!


  2. Pingback: Around the Gymternet: These nibs are just too damn delicious. | The Gymternet

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