The World Championships Podium Training Live Blog – Subdivision 5

Welcome to the live blog for subdivision five of podium training at the 2017 World Championships in Montreal, Canada!

Refresh your browser every 3-5 minutes for the most recent updates, which will appear at the top. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below and I’ll try to get to them in the blog!

8:33 pm. Going to the mixed zone and will tweet some pics and info at @thegymterdotnet!

8:31 pm. Ferrera with a big double layout that goes OOB. I love her music. Very like…Caribbean. Reminds me of “Come on everybody and do the conga.” Double pike is big, step back. Crashed tucked full-in to end.

Liu with a wobble after her front handspring to front tuck.

Wang Yan nailed her layout series.

Luo Huan working her layout but flies off the end again.

8:28 pm. So definitely no Urvikko here in case anyone is super invested in Finland. Helmi Murto on floor now, nice illusion turn into some Lieke Wevers inspired choreo. Nice double full.

Lee Eunju with a hit set on bars finishing with a smile. She’s always so smiley.

Luo Huan just flew off the end of the beam. Off again on her front aerial. Hit her side aerial. I haven’t really seen her make any connections. Stumble on her switch ring. Almost crashed her double pike. God, she looks REALLY rough.

8:26 pm. I know why I mixed up Luo and Fan before…Fan was standing on the floor podium and someone on the floor said to me “that’s Luo in the orange” so when I saw an orange leo on bars (I can’t see faces from here and go by leo color or hair color/style) I assumed it was Luo. So the person who said Luo was in orange is to blame!!! We can see beam now and see that it’s Liu in white, Luo in green, and Wang in pink. Thank GOD we solved this in the final rotation.

8:23 pm. Jade just nailed her double double and full twisting double layout like NOBODY’S BUSINESS. She definitely looks cleaner than nationals. Practically stuck full-in. I missed one of her passes too I think.

Japan looks good on bars from what I can see!

8:21 pm. Ragan hit her 1.5 through to triple, and hit her double arabian and double pike after that. I missed a pass because JESS WAS CRYING ABOUT MORGAN. Like actual tears. BLESS.

8:18 pm. Morgan up on floor first! Love her choreo into her opening pose. Double double bounced out of bounds. Piked full-in with a step back. Looks like she’s moving a little more rushed than she was in the training hall. #NERVES! Glad they can get them out here before the meet. I basically just started screaming because MORGAN IS AT WOOOOORLDS. Beautiful front double full. I think I wrote that was a 2.5 earlier but must have missed the entry as is often the case. Stuck double pike to finish. Lovely.

Murakami hit a full bars set and looked fabulous.

8:14 pm. Final rotation!! Morgan just did the most fabulous 2.5 on floor. Jade’s busting out double layouts. 2.5 to stag looked fabulous.

Fall from Sugihara on bars just now, but I didn’t see what.

8:13 pm. Moving on…I think Chuso did a tsuk full for her second vault but I can’t really see.

8:11 pm. Apparently Fan did her full set so I don’t know what I was looking at but it definitely wasn’t bars. She did an inbar full into her Komova II, which I missed completely. I do have nine spotlights shining into my eyes when I look at bars so let’s just blame that.

8:07 pm. Thais just worked her triple separately and it looked gorgeous!

Ana Laura Wong of Panama warming up bars now.

Chuso with a messy handspring layout half to start. Then busts out a handspring layout full, also messy and she kind of leaps out of it.

8:04 pm. Chuso is heeeeere!!! Too bad she’s not like another 15 years older still in the sport so we could be like “she made her Olympic debut here 41 years ago and she’s still competing.”

Yesenia on beam, bhs layout with a little hop back. Wild full turn, like, it looked like no one ever actually taught her how to turn. Fell on her side somi.

Lucija Hribar with a nice 2.5 to start. Just some crossed ankles. Tjasa’s routine before this was solid btw. Low double tuck, cowboyed.

Luo Huan didn’t even do her complete routine, I don’t think? I saw Fan Yilin do like 600 sets, and I only saw Fan working on her pak. I probably missed stuff but yeah, that was weird. They’re quick, I guess?

8:02 pm. Fidelis nailed her double arabian to start. Triple is underrotated with a hop around. Super sky high full-in, STUCK. YAS. Double pike with a small hop.

Still no sign of Annika Urvikko with Finland.

Wang Yan’s Ray is a little short, just has to step it back a bit.

7:59 pm. Luo Huan on bars. Guessing she’ll only do this and beam? Very nice front pirouette work.

Yesenia Ferrera on beam with a switch slowly connected to her switch half. Big switch side.

For Slovenia, they brought Lucija Hribar and someone else, I can’t see who. Teja Belak and Tjasa Kysselef were on the nominative list. Lucija has potential. Oh, actually Tjasa might be here with Lucija. I wish there was an official liiiiiist!

7:55 pm. Good layout from Ragan, just a little deep in the landing. Misses foot on punch front and falls. Good jumps. Straddle half with a bobble. Split half with another

Ashton off on her bhs loso.  The rest is okay, goes through to the side somi.

Low Rudi with a huge step forward from Miyakawa. Lovely 1.5 from Sugihara! Basically stuck it. Glad she’s doing that instead of the DTY she’s been trying.

Cool Ukrainian floor routine right now, either Iarmolenko or Osipova. I’ll watch in competition and talk all about it.

Now Morgan off on her bhs loso. Everyone’s like “we need to fall now.” As Brooklyn Moors told me yesterday, “it’s great to fall in podium training because then you learn how to handle the fall if it happens in competition.”

7:52 pm. Nice side somi for Ashton, clean side aerial into her split leap to switch half series.

Miyakawa busted out a Rudi right off the bat.

Excellent standing full from Morgan. Side aerial with a little bobble into the switch leap to split leap. Clean bhs loso. Switch ring, full-in tuck dismount with a step. Great work.

Just a double Yurchenko for Murakami. Wondering if we’ll see the Amanar?

7:49 pm. Wang Yan was the ONLY Chinese gymnast to vault btw. I don’t know what’s wrong with Luo Huan. We’ll see if she does bars.

Morgan on beam now! Looks super confident and strong. Just working single skills at the moment.

Ragan with a little bobble on her full wolf turn. Again like Morgan, just working simple single skills to warm up.

7:45 pm. Wang Yan vaulted, btw, I forgot to write about it as I was trying to figure out where Andrade was. She did her Rudi and tsuk double, both heavily spotted.

7:43 pm. So I thought I saw Andrade on bars before but it might have been a Slovenian? They’re all in blue I think. Because Spencer just told me Andrade left the arena before bars? I didn’t see that at all.

7:40 pm. Andrade’s not doing beam WHYYYYYYY I want her to win an all-around medal so badly?!?!?!

Vidiaux looking lovely on bars with a nice Endo half to bail to Ray!

7:35 pm. Fidelis hit her arabian series, hooray for her! Also hit bhs loso loso series.

Some solid tumbling from South Korea on floor.

Maija Leinonen is so pretty on bars. I haven’t seen Annika Urvikko do anything yet. Slash I don’t see her in general.

7:33 pm. Ashton could literally do this bars set in a coma. I can’t wait until her body is healthy enough one day to allow her to upgrade and upgrade and upgrade. She’s capable of so much.

7:31 pm. Miyakawa on floor with her layout to double front, full twisting double layout, double double a little low, and then a double layout with a small hop to finish. GODDDDDD YES. This needs a medal. Murakami needs a medal. DAMMMNNNNNNNN.

Ragan hit her Ricna to pak this time!

7:29 pm. Very clean set from Ashton Locklear. Hitting every handstand (and I have a side view directly able to see the angle. Bail was absolute perfection. Just a step on the dismount.

Fun sassy routine from Sugihara. I didn’t get her passes but she hit them all well.

Morgan up now, toe full right on the bar to Tkachev, Ricna to pak is good, Ray back up to high, stalder full right on the bar into a full-in. YAS MORGAN.

7:27 pm. Morgan killing it on bars.

Murakami busts out a double double on floor right away. Double layout hopped back slightly. Excellent 2.5 to front full. Love her rock and roll choreo in the middle.

Ragan with an inbar to inbar full to inbar half to nice straddle Jaeger. Big Downie, then missed her Ricna, which she kept missing in training the other day.

7:25 pm. Sugihara a little short on her 1.5 through to triple full in the warm-up before the full routines.

7:23 pm. I am NOT going to be able to tell Osipova and Iarmolenko apart on beam. They’re too little and blonde.

USA moving to bars! Japan on floor, Ukraine on beam, and Colombia on vault.

7:21 pm. Luo Huan didn’t do floor? She warmed up a few passes but didn’t do a full routine. Maybe Liu WILL do all-around?

A coach just patted Potato on the head. I would pat her on the head 24/7 if I was allowed to. I’m probably not allowed to.

7:17 pm. I lost internet so am just gonna type in a word doc until I get it back.

Liu basically just did a dance through, I guess they’ll wait to decide her fate until they actually compete?

Nice handspring front pike from Maija Leinonen.

Wang Yan on floor now! Spotted through double double on a sting mat but looked good. Solid 1.5 through to triple full to punch front, just a bounce. Good 2.5 to front layout half. Beaauuuutiful double pike. Please don’t ever retire, I love you.

Marcia Vidiaux crashed vault but she looks okay.

7:12 pm. China in different leos. Liu Tingting is working floor even though she doesn’t plan on competing it.

Maloney to pak looks good for Rebeca Andrade. Clean van Leeuwen.

Really nice bhs loso from Lee Eunju on beam! But then had a hard fall on her jump series.

7:11 pm. Messy legs on Jade’s tsuk double but based on what we’ve seen in training thus far, she’s an easy favorite for gold. She’s definitely a step ahead of the rest.

Floaty bhs loso from Sugihara but she keeps missing her double Y turn. Finally got it with a deep chest down finish. Triple full is more like a 2.5 with a hop around this time.

7:08 pm. Solid DTY from Ragan Smith. Sugihara still struggling a little on beam.

Good front double full to front full from Colombia on floor just now.

Just a step forward on Jade’s Amanar this time around. Looks much cleaner than it has.

Sugihara hit her triple. Nice spins from Teramoto. Murakami just murdered her bhs loso loso.

7:06 pm. Huge floaty flight series from Murakami. Switch ring with a low back leg and a wobble.

Good bars from Varinska. Iarmolenko looks a little rough.

Another sat double tuck from Colombia. I only see three girls here and they’re supposed to have three.

Morgan with a little hop on her DTY. Morgan won camp, btw. Just in case you’re still like “how did she get on the team?” It’s because she beat Ragan and won camp. That’s how.

7:03 pm. On beam for Japan, it’s Mai Murakami, Asuka Teramoto, and Aiko Sugihara. Sugihara looks like she’s struggling with her mount a bit. Also falling on her double Y turn. God I hope she gets that named.

I can’t really see who’s on floor from here but she had a bad fall on her double tuck, looks okay though. Colombia I think.

Asuka Teramoto on beam, lovely jump series, crashed her triple though.

U.S. girls are busting out DTYs right off the bat! Then JADE ALMOST JUST STUCK HER AMANAAAAAAR.

7:00 pm. Marching out now! USA in blue, and the pattern on the sleeves doesn’t match the rest of the leo at all. Bless! Martha’s like THIS ISN’T PIIIIIIIIINK.

6:59 pm. In the final subdivision, we’ll see Finland, the United States, and Cuba on vault, Ukraine, Brazil, and Slovenia on bars, Japan, South Korea, and Uzbekistan on beam, and Colombia, China, and Panama on floor!

Article by Lauren Hopkins

63 thoughts on “The World Championships Podium Training Live Blog – Subdivision 5

  1. “Morgan won camp, btw. Just in case you’re still like “how did she get on the team?” It’s because she beat Ragan and won camp. That’s how.” SHAZAM! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hmmm maybe the US really can challenge for 2 AA medals. Also I wonder if ragan effed up something on day 1 or morgan just had an awesome/perf day. The abbreviated youtube videos had me wondering b/c we saw basically alll of morgi and half of Ragan’s bars & beam.


      • I wondered that too. If Ragan fell at camp. Regardless, it makes you wonder how the team makeup would have gone if Morgan won camp but Riley wasn’t injured. Would they have shifted Riley to the UB/BB bars and taken Morgan for AA, or stuck with Riley for AA and made Morgan alternate. Hmm….


        • I was also just wondering that, if Riley was there, but that gives a lot of what ifs in terms of who would place where b/c even if ragan finished like 5th AA at camp they would has still put her on the team.. It would have probably been a much tougher decisions b/c I really do think they wanted Ashton there in the “veteran” role. And yeah in terms of the placements I would say an awesome day from morgan would beat ragan if she had a slightly off day even if was just like a waist bend wobble on beam or an arched handstand. Regardless Morgan’s beam dismount scares me b/c her head is like inches from the ground when she lands + gonna get so much in deductions when she lands it like that, I thin they can go up to .3 or .5 just for the low chest and thats if she sticks it.


    • Every one making a deal about ragan losing at camp. It comes down to who hits at worlds. I’m not worried ragan will hit when it counts. People want to see her not win.


        • I’d love to know this as well, if you hear anything. I wish USAG would publish the results. It would be better for their image. People are much more understanding and accepting of Morgan’s spot after hearing she won camp. Why didn’t they just say so in the first place rather than let people think she was a Valeri-favorite-bias pick. Or if, for example, Thomas or Scheckinnova had errors, why not tell us rather than have people calling the USAG dumb or biased for taking Locklear.


    • It’s not impossible but not likely. Her start value at nationals was 5.6. That’s .1 higher than Locklear, but her general execution is nowhere near Locklear’s and her releases aren’t very high. So probably not, but you never know. She’s not terrible on bars but not a favorite for finals. Yet stranger things have happened.


      • Hurd has upgraded her bars since Nationals – she was doing watered down bars there due to her elbow injury. I’m no Code expert but read elsewhere that her D-score now should be 5.9.


  2. I thought I saw another Chinese gymnast run up to the vault table but in full sweats? Was it LTT? Valentina was right lol the Chinese are very mysterious…


  3. How does one go about getting a pass for podium training? I have a blog but I wasn’t sure if I’d be eligible so I didn’t apply. Saw a LOT of gymnasts entering/leaving today, though!


  4. Jade just blows my mind. I had no idea she qualified to level 10 just two years ago until recently. Her tumbling looks so freakin easy for her. I really really hope she walks away from worlds with two medals!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good for Morgan but I’m still waiting to see her in actual competition. Because it’s not uncommon for other gymnasts to win verification camps (gymnasts other than the current #1) so I don’t place a ton of stock into that stuff. I think even Simone has placed 2nd at V-camps. Morgan has always had potential but it’s still wait-and-see.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. What is happening with Luo Huan? She looks beat up on beam. I thought Tingting is the only one injured but it seems like Luo is also experiencing something. Who is competing AA from them?


    • Looks like only Wang Yan for China in the AA. Luo Huan bars/beam/maybe floor?, Fan Yilin bars, Liu Tingting beam/maybe floor? China is basically just all in on bars and beam at this worlds it appears.


  6. Thanks for the commentary…so glad to hear Morgan doing so well..maybe an AA medal isn’t out of the question for her. It would make me so happy to have a podium of Ragan, Larissa and Morgan. They say podium training doesn’t matter but I think if you have bad podium training it carries over into the competition. Melnikova worries me…8 falls? It has to mess with her confidence. Is she injured more than they are letting on?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Totally out of the blue question which you (the above commenter) don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but I have a bit of an aptitude (kind of photographic memory) for remembering names and your name is familiar to me from something. Did you ever write a letter to International Gymnast magazine decades ago with a list about the who the top 10 American female gymnasts in history were? Sorry if that’s a weird question. I just saw your name and immediately, my brain flashed back on that (I used to pour over and reread those magazines) and I’m wondering if I’m right.


  7. Messy Legs on Jades Tsuk? Maybe slightly piked and toes not pointed, but watching it on a hd computer slow motion, doesnt look that messy… You want messy legs watch Paseka. Thanks. 🙂


    • Gymcastic tweeted that Andrade is having knee pain, may not compete, and will get a medical eval tomorrow. This is why we can’t have nice things 😦


  8. Why would it matter if Morgan won camp? How many competitions, REAL competitions, has she not fallen in in the last few years? Pretty darn close to 0. Camp is a camp. Competition is a completion. Ill be really happy if she hits 8 for 8 but lets be real, she hasn’t done it before.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree. I believe it was the gymcastic interview where one of the people on it talked with a judge from camp about how she couldnt understand some of Morgans scores, and how they were low during real competitions. SO maybe the judges at camp love her. lol. Or others fell. Who knows. But all the over the top ‘Morgiboo’ nonsense, makes me watch her much more critically then I generally would an underdog etc. In one of the gymcastic interviews a quick one with Morgan after podium, the lady was gushing about how amazing her floor routine during podium was, and how she was crying ( albeit because she is at worlds) But she prefaced it with how amazing her floor routine was… Her podium floor routine wasnt amazing at all… issues with her tumbling….


        • Well then media homegurl can say YOUR DANCING was beautiful. When it wasnt. She seemed rush, fast, flitty. #favoritism #overlooking #sentimentoverfact


        • I’m guessing you don’t know much about expression and emoting in dance? She’s one of the only ones doing it. It’s not about the physical movements lol.


        • Oh okay. Sure Jan. Morgiboo was emoting so much that only those in the vicinity or with certain occult knowledge of the art of dance can understand. It’s a secret society. That only gymcastic and friends can grasp. Floor routines are never about the physical movements, right? In order to have a beautiful floor routine just emote, but your tumbling is trash…. Oh okay got it. She made a gurl who probably cries often, cry again. The magic. This is why people are turning on #Morgiboo… and couldnt understand her even making the team that it was a shock she even won camp. Because of the hype… aye dios mio! lol


        • Have you ever been in an arena and seen a moving performance? Apparently not. Sorry you’re too ridiculous and wannabe troll to understand, but very few routines got applause from other gymnasts/countries, and Morgan’s was one of them. She’s a performer, and you clearly don’t know what that means which is why you can’t understand and why you think “performance” means “dance skills” which it literally does not lol. Which is why it’s worthless to argue with you further because it’s clear to me you know very little about what you’re talking about.


  9. Urvikko is out with injury, she was reported to have foot and back pain at Universiade and dropped out of Worlds about two weeks ago. It’s too bad, I think this would have been like her 8th Worlds.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I would not be mad if Liu Tingting ended up in AA. Not if she would potentially injure herself though. Also, if Wang Yan could finally get her medal that would be good. THANKS.


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