The Pacific Rim Championships Women’s Master Team List


Sunisa Lee

The nominative roster for this year’s Pacific Rim Championships has just been released, and we’ve compiled a full list of all competitors expected to attend, noting which teams have confirmed. Some federations will still hold trials, so note that many of these rosters can change, but in general, a nominative roster is often a pretty close representation of who will actually end up competing. Thanks to Jessica Taylor Price for compiling!

A full list of teams set for the competition is below.




Confirmed by Gymnastics Australia.








Nominative. Colombia also has two open spots that will be determined at a later date.






  • Nathaly BoloΓ±a
  • Genesis Gibson
  • Denisse Grijalva
  • Daniela Jimenez
  • Monserrath Mora







Confirmed by Gymnastics New Zealand on February 20. Tyla Bow is the alternate.






Confirmed by USA Gymnastics on April 8. Margzetta Frazier is the senior alternate and JaFree Scott is the junior alternate.

15 thoughts on “The Pacific Rim Championships Women’s Master Team List

    • Kim is taking Emma, along with Ragan Smith + Sydney Barros of Texas Dreams to the Jesolo Trophy competition, which is April 14-15th. Pacific Rim Championships is set for April 27-29th in Colombia. I don’t think the timing or locations match up for any Texas Dream’ers to be apart of Pac Rims.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Oh thank goodness. Thank you! I was hoping we’d see her in one of the WC events but I guess there’s just too much depth.


        • I think it was her decision/coach’s decision not to try get a WC sport.. I feel like if she attended camp she would have snagged a sport over Chiles/Frazier and Thomas. Pretty sure Kim Zmeskal has a master plan leading up to worlds!


        • Kim is probably grinding her teeth. She’s had so much world class talent in her hands since 2013, and every single year something has gone amiss. Ragan was the first to finally get to worlds just to get injured, ending her medal chance at worlds. I really hope Emma can end Zmeskals curse, she’s one of my favorites of the US team along with Morgan Hurd and Olivia Dunne. And also Frazier, even if it’s just the fact that she’s a badass.

          Liked by 1 person

  1. What’s the format for Pacific Rim? Is there a separate team and AA competition? Is there a qualification round for event finals or is that taken from team competition?
    How many girls compete during the team competition? Does there have to be a certain amount of seniors and juniors or is it up to each country?
    Are there separate event finals for seniors and juniors?


    • 5-4-3 for team- combined senior and junior.
      All Around winners are decided from the team portion for both seniors and juniors with a limit of 2 per country for AA medals.
      Event Finals are separate with a limit of two per country.

      All gymnasts are eligible to compete in the AA. The team must notify in writing ahead of time exactly which gymnast score will not count as part of the team, but will count as part of their AA total.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you! So here’s my understanding, then…
        *Each country has a max of 5 girls, and 4 of them compete on each apparatus in the team/AA.
        *The countries need to specify ahead of time which 3 girls’ scores per apparatus will count for the team competition, and that can be any mix of seniors & juniors.
        *Anyone doing all 4 apparatuses is in the running for AA, but only the 2 highest seniors’ scores per country will count, ditto for the juniors.
        *All 4 scores on each apparatus will go toward qualifying for EF, max 2per country for seniors and 2per country for juniors.

        Is this right?


        • Pretty sure it’s 6-5-4, not 5-4-3. 6 gymnasts per team, 5 designated to compete on each event, 4 scores counting. PacRims teams are usually 6. This year it can be a max of 3 Seniors (so 3 Seniors/3 Juniors if a country wants) or up to 6 juniors (and then no Seniors)

          Liked by 1 person

  2. aaaaand the US basically sends everybody but people on the master list πŸ˜€ Love the team though. And I’m really surprised and excited by McCallum and DiCello who just came out of nowhere! McCallum beat Hurd. Damn.


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