2014 P&G Championships: Juniors Day 1

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The first day of junior competition at the 2014 P&G Championships has come to a close with Jazmyn Foberg of MG Elite leading with a 57.600.

Here’s how everyone fared in the all-around.

1. Jazmyn Foberg, MG Elite, 57.600

Foberg vaulted a DTY to start, looking clean throughout for a 14.6. Her bars routine was very impressive, beginning with a great van Leeuwen, giant full to Gienger, Ricna to pak salto, and full-in, earning a nice 14.4, one of the highest of the day on this event.

On beam, Foberg completed another solid set, hitting her bhs loso, switch to back tuck, and double tuck dismount with a hop, earning a 14.2. She finished her day on floor with a big double layout and tucked full-in, to earn a 14.4 for a huge 57.6 in the all-around, her best score to date by about a point and a half!

2. Emily Gaskins, Cincinnati, 57.000

Emily Gaskins of Cincinnati Gymnastics started out incredibly well on floor, earning a 14.1 for a gorgeous routine that included a tucked full-in, 1.5 through to double tuck, a 2.5, and a double pike. On vault, her DTY wasn’t super powerful but it was SO clean. She bounced back slightly on the landing for a 14.5.

Her bars were clean, if not super difficult, and included lovely toe point throughout every movement. She hit a nice Jaeger, Ray, pak salto, and double layout dismount for a 13.7. Her beam was absolutely gorgeous and close to perfection as she hit an incredible side aerial to scissone, solid bhs loso, switch ring, front aerial to pike jump, and double pike dismount for a 14.7. A truly phenomenal routine.

3. Nia Dennis, Buckeye, 56.800

On floor, Buckeye’s Nia Dennis had a fantastic routine with a huge double layout and double arabian to start, earning a 14.5. She continued her quest with a gorgeous stuck DTY for a huge 15.1.

On bars, she had an iffy routine, hitting a huge Jaeger and toe full to Tkatchev, but then showing messy form on her pak salto and peeling off much too quickly for her double layout, falling to her hands and knees for a 13.5.

Dennis finished her day on beam with a fall on her standing Arabian, unfortunately. She hit her front aerial to scissone and double tuck, but could only bring in a 13.7.

4. Norah Flatley, Chow’s, 56.550

Norah Flatley of Chow’s competed an FTY on vault, earning a 13.7 for a clean – if not super impressive – vault. On bars, Norah competed a gorgeous routine, including a gorgeous Endo, Jaeger, clean bail, and straight double layout for a 14.45.

She fell on her sheep jump on beam, but still managed a 14.4 for her incredibly difficult and otherwise gorgeous routine that included a bhs-loso-loso series immediately into her scissone and split jump as well as a lovely 2.5 dismount. She finished on floor with a triple full, double pike, front double full, and 2.5 to front tuck, which she nearly sat but was able to stand up out of. She earned a 14.0 here.

5. Ragan Smith, Texas Dreams, 55.550

Ragan Smith began her day with a fantastic floor routine, earning a 14.5 after hitting her solid triple full and double arabian. On vault, she competed a DTY, but it was incredibly messy – and a bit scary! – bringing in only a 14.15.

On bars, she showed some nice stalder work but fell on her Jaeger, which she caught the second time yet still earned a 12.45. She finished with a great double layout. She came back on beam with a messy wolf turn at the very beginning, but finished well, hitting the rest of her routine well to earn a 14.45.

— Alexis Vasquez, Chow’s, 55.550

Alexis Vasquez competed an FTY on vault. It was mostly clean, though not a very big vault, and she brought in a 13.8 for her first score of the day. On bars, her Jaeger was great, Tkatchev, pak salto, and full-in with a small step, bringing in a 13.65.

Her beam was excellent, aside from one large wobble where her leg came up, though she controlled it nicely and brought in a nice 14.7 for her difficult set. She finished on floor with a 13.4, landing in fifth place for a relatively clean day in the face of a rough overall junior competition.

7. Megan Skaggs, Gym Academy of Atlanta, 55.45

Megan Skaggs competed well, albeit a bit wobbly on beam, hitting a nice front aerial to scissone to split jump and double pike dismount, earning a 13.95. On floor, her piked full-in was solid, as was her 1.5 through to double back, though her chest was pretty low on her double pike and she brought in a 14.0.

On vault, her DTY was a bit messy, earning a 14.05. Though she seemed to get a slight injury in the touch warmup before bars, she hit her Maloney and then muscled through her giant full but hit it, going right into her Tkatchev to pak. She also hit her double front, earning a 13.45 to finish a solid day of competition.

8. Abby Paulson, Twin City Twisters, 54.950

Abby Paulson had a strong day from start to finish, beginning with a lovely beam routine where she earned a 14.1 after nailing her punch front, solid bhs-loso-loso series, and gorgeous 2.5 dismount. On floor, she competed a double pike and double tuck as part of her hit routine, earning a 14.0.

Moving to vault, her FTY was clean though not large, picking up a 13.6. Bars isn’t her best event, though she competed a nice Jaeger and full-in for a 13.25.

Maile O’Keefe, Salcianu, 54.95

Maile O’Keefe began on floor with a great double pike and then double tuck, both very clean. Her 1.5 through to double full was also clean, and she skidded her 2.5 slightly but controlled it in the end for a 13.8. On vault, her FTY brought in a 13.65.

On bars, O’Keefe’s Tkatchev was a bit low, but she had a nice bail to toe shoot and hit her arabian double front dismount for a 13.1. She finished her day on beam with a 14.4 after a solid routine.

17. Deanne Soza, Arete, 54.000

Deanne Soza also competed vault first, competing a strong DTY to earn a 14.4 after stepping over the line. Unfortunately, she fell on her toe full to Tkatchev on bars, in what was otherwise a lovely routine. She hit her Ray, toe half to Ezhova, and full-twisting double layout but brought in just a 12.7.

Her beam had some wobbles, including on her bhs loso, and she dismounted with a low double tuck, earning a 13.9 and looking upset with herself when she finished. On floor, she crashed her 1.5 through to double back, though her other passes looked nice; her score here was a 13.0.

19. Jordan Chiles, Naydenov, 53.75

Jordan Chiles of Naydenov started her day as the first up on bars where she unfortunately had some problems. When she caught her Jaeger, her coach touched her stomach while spotting, incurring a 1.0 in neutral deductions. She hit her Tkatchev and bail to toe shoot, but then overarched a handstand on the high bar and had to hop off. Though she finished her routine with a clean giant full to Gienger and full-in dismount, her score took quite a hit, and she earned just an 11.4.

Chiles competed a nervous beam routine, hesitating on her flight series after competing just a back handspring before going back to do the entire bhs-loso-loso series. She had some bobbles throughout the routine and went overtime earning a 0.1 neutral deduction, but stayed on and hit her 2.5 dismount for a 13.7.

She came back nicely on floor with a double arabian and front double full to front lay but did go OOB on one pass, earning a 14.0. Her DTY on vault was powerful, and she brought in a 14.65 to finish her all-around performance with a 53.75.

Full Results

1. Jazmyn Foberg, MG Elite, 57.600
2. Emily Gaskins, Cincinnati, 57.000
3. Nia Dennis, Buckeye, 56.800
4. Norah Flatley, Chow’s, 56.550
5. Ragan Smith, Texas Dreams, 55.550
— Alexis Vasquez, Chow’s, 55.550
7. Megan Skaggs, Gym Acad of Atlanta, 55.450
8. Maile O’Keefe, Salcianu, 54.950
Abby Paulson, Twin City Twisters, 54.950
10. Maggie Musselman, Hill’s, 54.700
11. Christina Desiderio, Parkettes, 54.550
12. Lauren Navarro, Charter Oak, 54.500
13. Lexy Ramler, KidSport, 54.400
14. Megan Freed, Parkettes, 54.150
15. Olivia Trautman, Twin City Twisters, 54.050
Marissa Oakley, Phenom, 54.050
17. Victoria Nguyen, Chow’s, 54.000
Deanne Soza, Arete, 54.000
19. Jordan Chiles, Naydenov, 53.750
20. Aria Brusch, Cincinnati, 53.300
21. Elena Arenas, Georgia Elite, 53.200
22. Delanie Harkness, Twistars, 53.000
23. Rachael Flam, Stars, 52.950
24. Taylor Lawson, Parkettes, 52.900
25. Adeline Kenlin, GymNest, 52.850
26. Alyona Shchennikova, TIGAR, 52.700
27. Shilese Jones, Auburn, 52.400
28. Margzetta Frazier, Parkettes, 52.200
29. Bailey Ferrer, Orlando Metro, 52.150
30. Sydney Johnson-Scharpf, Brandy Johnson’s, 52.050
31. Adriana Popp, Girls Co-op, 52.000
32. Ariana Agrapides, MG Elite, 51.850
Morgan Hurd, First State, 51.850
34. Molly Frack, Parkettes, 40.300
35. Grace Quinn, TExas Dreams, 27.700

Article by Lauren Hopkins

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