2015 U.S. Championships Senior Day 1 Live Blog

The Gymternet is excited to be back in action at the 2015 U.S. Championships for the first day of junior competition! We’ll be live blogging everything that happens today right here on the site. Most recent updates will appear at the top. Refresh this page every five minutes or so to see what’s going on.

9:31 pm. Leading after day one…

1. Simone Biles, World Champions, 61.1
2. Maggie Nichols, Twin City Twisters, 59.7
3. Gabby Douglas, Buckeye, 58.7
4. Aly Raisman, Brestyan’s, 58.65
5. Bailie Key, Texas Dreams, 58.6
6. Alyssa Baumann, WOGA, 57.85
7. Brenna Dowell, GAGE, 57.55
8. MyKayla Skinner, Desert Lights, 57.5
9. Amelia Hundley, Cincinnati, 57.45
10. Nia Dennis, Legacy Elite, 57.35
11. Madison Kocian, WOGA, 57.05
12t. Kyla Ross, Gym-Max, 56.9
12t. Megan Skaggs, Gym Academy of Atlanta, 56.9
14. Emily Schild, Everest, 56.75
15. Lauren Navarro, Gliders, 54.4
16. Madison Desch, GAGE, 40.45
17. Rachel Gowey, Chow’s, 29.75
18. Ashton Locklear, Everest, 28.35
19. Polina Shchennikova, TIGAR, 13.7

9:25 pm. Locklear BB- Off on flight series. Punch front tuck to split jump to wolf jump is great. Side aerial. Little checks here and there. Doing interviews now!! See you in a bit.

9:23 pm. Douglas FX- Ooh, this is my first time seeing her leo up close. Love it! Double arabian to stag, hit. Second pass is hit but I didn’t see details. Double pike. Double tuck. Great job for this queen. 13.85? Did I miss something?

9:22 pm. Skaggs BB- Bhs loso loso. Side aerial. Hit routine. 14.3

9:21 pm. Raisman UB- Maloney to Tkatchev, yas. Hop blind to Jaeger, toe on to bail to Ray, double front with a slight hop. YOU GO GIRL. 14.15

9:19 pm. Biles VT- Completely obliterates the Amanar. I’m pretty sure she just took the lead NO PROBLEM. Lopez is also great but nothing beats the Amanar because she just got a 16.25, with a 9.85 e-score. A 9.85!!!!!!!! 15.725 for the Lopez.

9:17 pm. Skinner FX- Moors and it’s somewhat stretched! Low-ish landing though. Hits double double, awesome. 1.5 to 2.5 hit, a little step. Nails tucked full-in. She had a great day, hitting everything, even if not perfectly. Credit where credit is DUE. 14.35

9:15 pm. Hundley BB- Front aerial to sissone, solid bhs loso, punch front to split jump, side somi, double pike. Great job, Meels! 13.65

9:14 pm. Baumann UB- Some sort of shaposh (I didn’t see the beginning) to pak, Maloney to bail to Ray, Jaeger, full-in with a hop over to the side. Not bad! 14.5

9:14 pm. Key VT- Her best DTY of the YEAR. FINALLY! 15.25

9:12 pm. Navarro FX- Hit her first two passes but I missed both…distractions up here in the sky where I’m sitting. Double pike a bit low. 2.5 a bit wonky and OOB. 12.45

9:11 pm. Schild BB- Bhs bhs layout is a bit pikey. Side aerial. I missed a few skills before this because of BRENNA owning my heart. But Emily’s having a fantastic day! Looking very solid here. Front aerial to sissone to split jump, GREAT extension on the jumps. Holds onto the landing on the double tuck. 13.35

9:10 pm. Gowey UB- NICE inbar shaposh (Komova II) to giant full to Ricna to pak (at least I think it was all connected). Van Leeuwen. Double layout with a hop back. 15.25

9:09 pm. Dowell VT- DTY, EXCELLENT! BRENNAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! 14.8

9:07 pm. Nichols FX- Double double a little short, steps. Full-in with a hop. Love her glorious leg hold. Full-in hit. Double tuck. WHAT A DAY FOR SWAGGIE.

9:05 pm. Ross BB- Punch front tuck. Front aerial to sheep, a little slow. Bhs loso is clean. Wobble on the switch ring. Switch to back tuck. Double tuck with a step. 14.25

9:04 pm. Kocian UB- Komova II to pak to Chow half, good. Inbar to inbar half to straddle Jaeger, stalder to stalder full to full-in, great! 15.5

9:03 pm. Dennis VT- DTY a little leg stuff but super powerful. I think Desch scratched. Yes, she did. Nia gets 15.3

9:01 pm. Maggie leads with a 45.15 followed by Douglas and Biles with a 44.85 (DRAMAAAA!), Raisman with a 44.5, Hundley with a 43.8, Schild with a 43.4, Key and Baumann with a 43.35, Skinner with a 43.15, Dowell with a 42.75, Ross with a 42.65, Skaggs with a 42.6, Dennis with a 42.05, Navarro with a 41.95, Kocian with a 41.55, and Desch with a 40.45.

8:55 pm. Key FX- Double layout a bit low and her knees are bent on the landing, but hit. Double arabian to a tiny baby stag. Love the arrow shoot. YOU GO KATNISS. Lovely turn. Double wolf turn with a bent leg at first. 1.5 through to triple is a bit under-rotated, she was doing that better in training. Double pike is good. 14.45

8:54 pm. Skaggs UB- I saw from the toe on to Maloney and then the hit double front. Hit routine! Just didn’t type fast enough to get the beginning. 14.35

8:52 pm. Dowell FX- Front double pike to jump, YAAAAAAAAS. Double front tuck to stag, ALSO YAAAAAAAS. 1.5 to front full is easy for her but hit. I think it was a 1.5? May have been front double full but I didn’t see the beginning. 2.5 to finish, a little step. PROUD OF HER. 14.3

8:51 pm. Skinner BB- Bhs tuck full is the best she’s ever done it! Side aerial. Switch to switch half to back tuck. She is super steady. DON’T JINX. Full L to full pirouette, back pike. Split to sissone. Double tuck with a tiny hop. She’s like “I’M AMAZING.” 14.35

8:50 pm. Hundley UB- Weiler half to Maloney is good, Ricna to pak is also good, though she freezes a little as she catches but gets right back into it. Van Leeuwen, toe on, toe full, right into the full-in, nearly stuck. 14.75

8:48 pm. Dennis FX- Double layout with a little step. Wonder if she had to get this routine after leaving Buckeye or if they let her keep it? Double arabian is good. Double tuck with a bounce. Nails double pike. Good for her! 13.85

8:46 pm. Navarro BB- This crowd straight up loved her jump to split mount. Bhs loso loso with a wobble. Punch front tuck to wolf jump. Switch to switch side. Front aerial to sissone. Side aerial. Double pike to finish. 13.45

8:45 pm. Schild UB- Saw it from the pak. Komova iI to bail to toe shoot, nice. Full-twisting double layout with the tiniest bounce. 14.75!

8:45 pm. Baumann VT- DTY a little wild, steps out. 14.3

8:43 pm. Desch FX- Double arabian. I missed her second pass somehow?! Double pike for the third. Double tuck with a step. 13.5

8:41 pm. Nichols BB- Wolf is good. Front aerial to sissone to split jump. Barani is nice. Everything else good, is it bad that I’m terrified to watch? Full-in is a tad bit low but hit! 14.4

8:39 pm. Ross UB- toe full to Maloney to Bhardwaj looks SO much better. Van Leeuwen, toe half to Jaeger, great. THEN SHE SITS THE DOUBLE FRONT. UGH. 14.05

8:38 pm. Kocian VT- DTY, not bad but not great either. 14.65

8:36 pm. Biles FX- Double layout full is excellent but a little bouncy. Biles to split jump is great. Double double is perfection. Crashes tucked full-in?! Even the double world champ has a bad day. I love that a fall on this event gets her a 14.9

8:35 pm. Douglas BB- Punch front, bhs loso, standing full, nothing bad so far. Switch ring with her leg coming up on the landing. Punch front tuck to wolf jump. Switch to switch half a little slow. Front aerial to split jump to pike jump. Double pike with a hop. Good job! 14.45

8:34 pm. Locklear UB- Inbar to toe full to Chow to pak to Maloney to bail to Ray, all good. Toe half to straddle Jaeger. Just give her a piked Jaeger and she’s basically a Russian. Full-in stuck! Coach looked like he wanted to really spot her there but she had ZERO problems. 15.4

8:32 pm. Raisman VT- Amanar, step off to the side and out of bounds and off the mat as per usual. 15.2

8:30 pm. After two rotations, Nichols leads with a 30.75 followed by Douglas with a 30.4, Biles with a 29.95, Raisman with a 29.3, Baumann and Hundley with a 29.05, Key with a 28.9, Skinner with a 28.8, Schild with a 28.65, Ross with a 28.6, Navarro with a 28.5, Dowell with a 28.45, Skaggs with a 28.25, Dennis with a 28.2, Desch with a 26.95, and Kocian with a 26.9.

8:25 pm. Dowell BB- Punch front tuck. Wolf to split jump. Bhs loso. Switch leap. Kochetkova is great. Who doesn’t compete beam for a year and a half and just casually still has a Kochetkova when she comes back on this event? Side aerial, little check I think. Come on, STAND YOUR DISMOUNT UP GIRL. Double tuck, and you can tell she’s trying to over rotate it after falling short a few times in training (and falling on her head at Classics). Definitely over rotates and stumbles back a few steps. BETTER THAN THE ALTERNATIVE. 13.3

8:24 pm. Navarro UB- Endo half to Chow to stalder to Tkatchev to pak (slight leg sep), Chow half with wild legs, giant full, full-in near-stuck. Just a tiny bobble. 13.85

8:23 pm. Dennis BB- Tour jete half, solid bhs loso, switch to switch half, double pike with a hop. I feel like I missed a good deal of that? 14.65!

8:22 pm. Shchennikova UB- Maloney to stalder full gets a little stuck to piked Tkatchev to pak to toe on to van Leeuwen, basically the same exact routine as Alyona’s. Or Alyona’s is the same as hers. Form is all over the place though, even though her connections are fab. 13.7

8:21 pm. Hundley VT- DTY, good! 14.85

8:19 pm. Kocian FX- Double arabian, stumbles back, almost sits but holds it up. 1.5 to front full I think, rotated weirdly and she steps. Step back on the double tuck. Hits double pike. 13.8

8:18 pm. Desch BB- Bhs bhs layout, got rid of the full. Probably for the best because she fell every single time I saw it. Back tuck. Switch to switch half is slow and a little awkward on the landing of the latter. Front aerial. Side somi. Missed connection between the two. Stuck double pike. 13.85

8:17 pm. Nichols UB- Toe full leg sep to Maloney to pak leg sep to van Leeuwen, toe on to toe half to Jaeger, STUUUUUCK double layout. No college stick. STUCK COLD. 14.95

8:16 pm. Schild VT- DTY, super powerful. Looks a little off-center but whatever. 15.05

8:14 pm. Raisman FX- 1.5 through to double arabian to front layout MAYBE her toes went out of bounds but I don’t think they flagged it. I WOULDN’T. Never. Not to my Aly. Am I unbiased? Dos Santos to stag is GOLDEN. Crowd clapping along is fantastic and very 2012. Excellent double layout. Hops in place. Double pike to SPLIT HALF GUUUUUUUUUUURL. 6.7 d-score! 15.55!!!!!

8:11 pm. Biles BB- 2.5 wolf turn and she loses control at the end. Maybe grabs beam? Jumps are good. Barani has a wobble. Doesn’t bother going into the Korbut, not after missing the barani twice in warm-ups. Solid bhs loso loso. Punch front pike, pause before split leap. Switch to switch half to back pike. Front aerial to wolf jump. Full-in with a hop. Looks pissed, though. She is NOT used to messing up. Good thing she’s so good. It’s basically like she’s Mario from Nintendo. She has three lives. She’s allowed to make multiple mistakes because they basically don’t matter. 14.8

8:10 pm. Douglas UB- I missed the very beginning because my internet was being slow and not refreshing. Got it from piked Tkatchev to pak which is clean, inbar to inbar half to Endo half to Chow is great, double layout is nearly stuck. YAY. 15.3

8:09 pm. Ross VT- Super clean DTY, what else do you expect from this princess? Just hops feet together. 15.05

8:07 pm. Baumann FX- Stuck double layout. Piked full-in a little low. LOVE this music though. Oh, I slept during her third pass, but she hit it. Whoops. I was thinking about Skinner’s bars score, hahaha. Double pike is a bit low and she hops forward. 13.9

8:06 pm. Key BB- Full wolf turn, switch ring landed a little low, bhs bhs layout is low and she touches her hand to the beam, surprise surprise. DO A LOSO SERIES PLEASE. Side aerial. I have to say I LOVE this leo for real. Switch half. Punch front tuck to sissone. Front aerial, tiniest check, misses connection to split jump + wolf jump. Switch leap, misses connection to back pike. Lots of missed connections unfortunately. Double pike a bit low and chest down. Le sigh. 13.7

8:05 pm. Skinner UB- Maloney to pak, slight leg sep on both. Van Leeuwen also with leg sep, giant half to front half to toe full to Tkatchev is great actually, toe on to Ray is excellent, handstands not quite over the bar, full-in with a tiny hop. Gurl has done some WERK on that event in the past year. 13.65

8:04 pm. Skaggs VT- DTY, nice and quick twisting, maybe a little low especially in the chest. 14.65

8:01 pm. Well this rotation was A TAD CRAZY. I’ve had 17 heart attacks, 463 panic attacks, 7,892 anxiety attacks, and 10 billion straight up rage strokes. But we’re past it. Now I can take some deep breaths and cry a little. I’d have to say Brenna’s bars and Maggie’s vault were IT for me.

Currently leading is Swaggie Maggie with a 15.8, followed by Bailie in 2nd with a 15.2 and then Simone, Alyssa, Mykayla, and Brenna in third with a 15.15.

7:58 pm. Dennis UB- Jaeger, toe full to Tkatchev with crazy legs to pak with even crazier legs. Maloney to bail to toe shoot, I’m still mind blown as to how she didn’t crash on that Tkatchev series. Double layout. She was doing full-twisting double layouts in warm-ups! Working her way up eventually. 13.55

7:56 pm. Schild FX- Front handspring to double front is great. 1.5 through to 2.5. Double pike a bit low and she hops back, her heel brushing death. Aka the boundary of the floor. Aka death. Double tuck basically stuck. 13.6

7:55 pm. Kocian BB- Standing arabian, fall. Switch ring with a big balance check but she holds on. Front aerial to jumps. Bhs loso is solid. Sheep with a big check. Side aerial. Switch leap. Double tuck with a step. 13.1

7:54 pm. Desch UB- Toe half, Jaeger, Downie?! I think? I missed the beginning. Ricna to pak is great, van Leeuwen is clean, stalder full muscles, she takes an extra swing but can’t get it under control. Finally hops off. LE SIGH. SO good until that point. Stalder full is hit this time, full-in landed a bit close to the bar but hit. 13.1

7:52 pm. Nichols VT- Amanar, and her best one all week. Her training vaults are downright scary but she’s pretty freaking sweet in competition. Just some leg twisting but she gets it around and lands well. 15.8

7:49 pm. Ross FX- Here we goooooo. U.S. debut of this badass routine. Double arabian to stag looks like it might lose control but it’s so good. Double pike nearly stuck. I love this middle choreo so much. Especially the jerky hand thing. 1.5 to front full is excellent. One woman yells “WOOOOO!” I swear it wasn’t me. Double tuck came VERY close to being scary but she hit it. Maybe her fingers brushed the ground? We’re watching a replay on Jess’ laptop. Yup, one hand touched the floor. BARELY. UGH. 13.55

7:47 pm. Raisman BB- Punch front pike to wolf jump. Bhs layout to split jump, the connection is slow, the jump is awkward, and she falls. UGH. Side aerial is perfection. Switch to switch half to back pike. Punch front tuck. Full L turn. Patterson is great, hop forward. UGH. I wish she could’ve sensed the landing not being right enough on the layout to bother going into the jump. 13.75

7:45 pm. Biles UB- Ooh, LOVE her leo. First time seeing it. Weiler half to Maloney, toe full super clean to Tkatchev, also super clean piked Tkatchev to pak, Ray (actually may have been a toe shoot? I didn’t see the beginning of the skill), toe on to stuck full-in. Utterly excellent. 15.15

7:44 pm. Douglas VT- DTY, excellent. None of the trouble she had yesterday. 15.1

7:42 pm. Skaggs FX- Double arabian to stag loses control slightly on the landing but she reels it in. 1.5 through to double tuck with a step. Rudi to straddle jump is definitely out of control a bit…bounced out and looked like she didn’t really have any awareness of where she was in the air! Double pike to finish, step. 13.6

7:41 pm. Baumann BB- Standing arabian, switch ring with a little stumble, bhs loso, good extension on switch to switch half, front aerial to sissone, sheep with a little stumble, Onodi to wolf, bit of a slow connection. Side aerial. Double pike with a slight bounce. 15.15

7:40 pm. Key UB- Jaeger, Ricna to pak with leg separation but it’s better than it looked all day yesterday. Chow to bail to toe full with leg sep to Ray, sky high tucked full-in! Nice. THEY JUST SHOWED THE PHOTO OF KIM IN HER LEO BACK IN 1991 AND THE WHOLE CROWD WENT “AWWWWWW.” I’m crying. 15.2

7:38 pm. Skinner VT- Cheng is first. Jerks the hand up as per usual but it’s pretty clean and the landing is not bad. Dead center. Also her leo is HEAVENLY. 15.15.

Just the DTY for the second vault. Told ya’ll she wasn’t gonna go for the Amanar, not after sitting it multiple times yesterday. She always trains Amanars at PT and never competes them. Very clean DTY with a bounce back. 14.975

7:36 pm. Hundley FX- Love this routine. Big double layout to split jump. Stuck piked full-in! Whip to double tuck. Double pike with a slight bounce. 14.2

7:34 pm. Gowey BB- Bhs loso loso is solid. Punch front to wolf. Tiny little bobble after her wolf. Full L turn. Switch half to back pike is excellent. 2.5 with a small hop. Great job! 14.4

7:33 pm. Dowell UB- Oh GOD I’m so nervous. Twelddle to Ezhova and I’m screaming. Toe full to Maloney is great. My heart is pounding. Church to pak with leg separation. Van Leeuwen and she hit the full-twisting double layout and I’M SCREAMING. Jess had to hold me that ENTIRE TIME. 6.7 D-score!!!!! 15.15

7:32 pm. Navarro VT- DTY, not bad, just a step back. 14.65

7:30 pm. Touch warmups! Bailie looks real good on bars. A kid was just asked a question and KZB was the answer but he couldn’t say Zmeskal. KZB is cracking up.

7:22 pm. The athletes are about to march out. I LOVE THEM ALL IN THEIR WE GOT THIS SHIRTS.

7:19 pm. Now it’s time for honoring Indiana ladies Jaycie Phelps, Bridget Sloan (who Gator chomped!) and Sam Peszek. LOVE. Is Macready doing the Boomer Sooner chant? There is a mascot here. I’m VERY confused. The mascot just flew up to the rafters and is running around the catwalk.

7:12 pm. Pre-meet fluff happening! Competition will start at 7:30. There’s a montage for all of the national champions since Brandy Johnson but also MLR is invited. NO ONE IN BETWEEN CAN COME.

7:03 pm. I think we’re getting to the final rotation. Bailie’s looking good on bars. So is Maddie Desch. Kyla is tumbling now…double arabian to stag is a tiny bit low but hit. Nia’s little wild on her pak. Simone off on her piked Tkatchev but cleans it up for the next time. Brenna looks good! EEEE.

6:50 pm. Big Tkatchev for Aly before her Jaeger, bail to Ray, good. Step back on her double front.

6:36 pm. These warmups are so weird. No real order to them. I feel confused most of this evening. Nothing looks bad so that’s nice. I love Simone doing a full on vault so much. Nia’s DTY is a little wild. Decent Moors from Skinner. Bailie’s doing a DTY, and doing it well. Simone basically just stuck an Amanar, you go lady. Lopez for her second vault. Alyssa’s bars actually look pretty sweet today.

6:33 pm. Kyla just got applause for her Bhardwaj! Hit van Leeuwen, Jaeger, double front with some steps. Aly’s Amanar is a little off to the side. Amelia looks good on her Weiler…huge Ricna into a lovely pak! Clean toe on to toe full before the full-in with a tiny hop. Madison’s still struggling on her DTY. Nice extension on Maggie Nichols’ switch to back pike. Aly’s Amanar just now was great! DO IT LIKE THIS ALL DAY.

6:26 pm. Internet is down so I’ll just write until it’s back up. Biles is hitting her Biles, Bailie just hit her double arabian to stag, Skinner is in really pretty purple on beam. Simone just flared out of a double double. OKAY. Madison Kocian isn’t quite getting her DTY around that great. Ashton Locklear’s bars dismounts are looking better.

6:16 pm. Rotation one warmups are starting! Nice Kochetkova from Brenna Dowell on beam. Hits her double back with a step. Simone just put her hands down on her barani. Trying again and falls. Brenna’s up now and nailed her punch mount. Beam is the only event going? I don’t know if they’re officially allowed to start yet but hey, they’re going.

6:01 pm. Leos are coming out and GET READY because Bailie Key is in a replica leo of Kim’s 1991 nationals getup. Which is this.

5:32 pm. The seniors are about to begin general stretch any minute now! They’re all gathering by the floor podium waiting for the official start. We’ll update as soon as things start to happen!

Article by Lauren Hopkins

21 thoughts on “2015 U.S. Championships Senior Day 1 Live Blog

  1. So last yr skinner scored 15.3 and 15.4 for her cheng at p&g. I haven’t got a chance to review 2014 and 2015, but can anyone tell me if she’s doing worse or about the same? score seems to go down a little. Hmm. no amanar…. a lil disappointed… her chance for worlds is diminishing ;(…..

    I am really wondering if simone will do cheng at worlds. She won’t be locked for gold if she doesn’t do a cheng.


  2. Can’t believe it Maggie by far had the best day outside of Simone vault but still gets low balled Simone messes up floor and bb and because it’s her she still gets the benefit just shows name recognition is the key for me Maggie def looked the best but they weren’t judges going to have Simone loose this new scoring rewards difficulty it should be evened out but that’s how it goes too bad


  3. This might seem like a stupid question, but isn’t the start value of an amanar 6.3? Weren’t the cheng and the amanar downgraded from 6.5 to 6.4 and 6.3 respectively? Maybe I’m going crazy.


  4. Gabby fell out of both of her turns floor so her d score was .4 less than at classics plus she had a little bit of a low landing on her second pass, which is why I think her score was so low. Imo she was scored pretty harshly on beam, but she did have a few small checks which probably ate away at her score. I wasn’t really blown away by any of the ‘stars’ this meet (excluding Maggie) – in fact I was really impressed with Meals, Brenna, and Nia.


  5. Gabbys floor was not good. Trouble on leaps and dance elements and a near miss landing at the beginning. I’m glad they actually scored her fairly.


  6. I like the sentiment behind Bailey’s leo, but I could be biased because Zmeskal is my all time favorite gymnast. Aly busting out a double layout in her 3rd pass was very impressive. I enjoyed Brenna’s floor routine and it was nice to see something besides back tumbling. Rachel G’s bar set was so beautiful. Kudos to Simone for nailing that vault after a rough day (well for her). As far as Gabby’s routine, maybe we could see more on the live feed than you could from your seat, but she did have some issues with the dance and her 2nd tumbling run. I have to admit that I am impressed at how well she is doing though.


  7. Kyla would have been right in the mix if she didn’t have to count those 2 falls 😩 Do you think if she comes back strong in day 2 she can squeeze into the top 5-8?


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