2022 Winter Cup | Junior Women Live Blog

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Welcome to the live blog for the junior women’s competition at the 2022 Winter Cup, held in Frisco, Texas!

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1. Ella Kate Parker 52.450
2. Ella Murphy 51.850
3. Hezly Rivera 50.650
4. Myli Lew 50.600
5. Azaraya Ra-Akbar 50.550
6. Madray Johnson 50.450
7. Tiana Sumanasekera 50.400
8. Audrey Snyder 50.050

2:39 pm. Malea Milton FX: Front layout to front double full, a little wonky in the air and then on the landing as well. 2.5 to front pike, big step forward. Switch side. Little stumble in the double L turn.

2:37 pm. Zoey Molomo BB: Switch leap mount, nice. Stream froze as she was going into something. Double wolf turn, missed it, hand down and fell onto the beam basically. A little short in the straddle as part of her jump series. Back tuck. Check after the front aerial. 1.5 dismount is a little iffy.

Live scores still down. 🙂

2:36 pm. Annalisa Milton FX: Caught from the double tuck, deep with a hop back.

2:35 pm. Simone Rose BB: Switch to straddle jump, to back tuck, solid. Wolf turn, solid bhs loso. Clean side aerial. Clean double full with a hop.

2:34 pm. Still have a couple to go on both beam and floor but right now it looks like Ella Kate Parker leads with a 52.450 (with a fall on bars I believe?), followed by Ella Murphy with 51.850 and Hezly Rivera with 50.650.

2:32 pm. Jayla Hang BB: Back tuck, lovely wolf turn, think her flgiht series was a loso loso, clean side aerial, good on the jump series, and double tuck with just a small step.

Sydney Snyder UB: Caught it from the Pak, looked like that was after she was remounting the high bar maybe? Toe shoot a bit close. Small hop back on the dismount.

2:31 pm. Eveylynn Lowe FX: Double pike looked nearly stuck. Switch leap to switch ring half. Couldn’t really see the ring position super well. Split leap to switch…half? Full? Kind of in the middle. 2.5 to front tuck with a hop forward. Loses steam on the double tuck, lands low with a step forward.

2:30 pm. Ella Murphy VT: Clean FTY with a tiny bounce in place! Really solid day for her, very happy to see that.

2:29 pm. Audrey Snyder UB: Toe-on, van Leeuwen, blind full, high double tuck with a small step.

2:28 pm. Tiana Sumanasekera FX: Double layout, huge, very nice! High double tuck with a slide back, good leap series as well. Good 1.5 to front full into an arabesque, nice little touch. Open double pike to finish. Good work!

2:27 pm. Avery King VT: FTY, good in the air aside from slight hip form, but she runs back out of it.

2:26 pm. Myli Lew FX: Only saw the very end but it looked good.

Hezly Rivera VT: Clean FTY

Madray Johnson VT: Another clean FTY!

Nicole Desmond UB: Ricna, Pak, good on both. Stalder to toe shoot, a little close, toe half right in vertical, front half, then a double tuck dismount with a step back.

2:25 pm. Taylor McMahon BB: Great triple flight series, and hit something after that but I wasn’t typing. Switch to switch half with a wobble and leg up. Split ring jump with a bobble. Side aerial, little check. Double full with a step back.

No scores still, by the way…

2:24 pm. Ella Kate Parker UB: Okay, I hate that this stream just did a replay of a routine only to jump into the middle of a live routine, because we came back just as she was remounting the low bar. Did a stalder, then back up to the high bar for a toe full, and double layout, lovely!

2:23 pm. Claire Pease VT: FTY, pretty clean, step back.

Gabby Van Frayen UB: Maloney to Pak, kip cast before the toe-on to van Leeuwen, some leg form, straddle Jaeger, good height and distance, a little shor tin a handstand as she was attempting a blind full so she repeated and got it that time, and then a full-in dismount, good.

2:21 pm. Alicia Zhou FX: Lovely double pike. 1.5 to front full with a step forward, some nice leaps after. Double tuck with some steps back. Lovely routine!

2:15 pm. Live scores are down again but trying to get it from the stream…


1. Ella Kate Parker 40.850
2. Ella Murphy 38.800
3. Azaraya Ra-Akbar 38.550
4. Myli Lew 38.000
5. Michelle Pineda 37.700
6. Zoey Molomo 37.650
7. Alicia Zhou 37.550
– Audrey Snyder 37.550

2:13 pm. Annalisa Milton BB: Legs were bent in her acro series and she came off on something near the end. 11.250 (4.7, 6.550)

2:11 pm. Eveylynn Lowe BB: Really solid layout series! Also did a side aerial to back handspring. Full turn to split leap, front aerial to split jump to Korbut…we have a baby Kara! Good side somi. Double tuck, stuck! Such potential! 12.500 (5.1, 7.500)

2:10 pm. Simone Rose UB: Ezhova, a little arched over but good fight to get it back, stalder to toe-on to toe shoot, clean double layout but was pulling a little backwards going into the landing and had to lunge back. 11.100

2:08 pm. Avery King FX: Full-in, great landing! Good double pike as well. 1.5 to front full went wildly OOB and then she put her hands down on the last pass. Such a bummer, the first two were excellent! 11.600

Jayla Hang UB: 12.800 (5.0, 7.800)

2:05 pm. Madray Johnson FX: Only saw the end, double full that she rebounded back out of, and had to keep running OOB to control it. 12.000 (4.9, 7.400, -0.3)

2:04 pm. Tiana Sumanasekera BB: Double wolf turn finishes forward with a wobble. Side aerial to split jump to sissone, nice. Tons of power on the bhs bhs layout series! Front aerial, little check, then a split ring jump, back leg isn’t quite there. Switch to switch half, a little shy on the latter. Double pike with a tiny hop. 13.850 (5.9, 7.950)

Taylor McMahon UB: 10.900 (4.1, 6.800)

2:01 pm. Hezly Rivera FX: Caught it from the Double pike, hop back. Switch half. Love her music, presentation could be a little better both in choreo and what she’s doing with it. 2.5 with a lunge forward at the end. 12.700 (4.9, 7.800)

Azaraya Ra-Akbar UB: We only saw the very end, a double tuck dismount…hopefully they replay! 12.000 (4.9, 7.100)

2:00 pm. Myli Lew BB: Great punch front mount! Switch to switch half, big bobble with her leg up, good save, back tuck after. Good wolf turn. Big switch ring. Side aerial. Double full with a lunge back. Some nerves in there but she’s lovely to watch. 12.200 (4.4, 7.800)

Claire Pease FX: Fell on the last pass, a double pike. The rest was fabulous, though! 12.100 (4.9, 7.200)

Michelle Pineda UB: Stalder to blind change to piked Jaeger, nice. Clean Pak, toe-on to toe shoot, blind full, and a double pike to finish, clean and stuck! 12.300 (4.4, 7.900)

Audrey Snyder VT: Clean FTY! Hop in place. 13.050 (4.2, 8.850)

1:57 pm. Alicia Zhou BB: I wasn’t typing during any of this and don’t remember any skills but it was a hit routine, big hop forward on the 1.5 dismount. 11.500 (4.4, 7.100)

Sydney Snyder VT: FTY with a step to the side, 12.400 (4.2, 8.300, -0.1)

Nicole Desmond VT: FTY with some leg form in the air. 13.000 (4.2, 8.800)

Zoey Molomo UB: 11.550 ($.7, 6.850)

Malea Milton BB: 11.950 (4.8, 7.150)

Ella Murphy FX: 12.950 (5.0, 7.950)

1:56 pm. Ella Kate Parker VT: She runs with her leo in her mouth now as a way to remind her to keep her head kinda tucked down and in, and it’s HILARIOUS. I need her to make it to the Olympics and do this. Went for the DTY and there’s some form but she got the landing! 13.600 (5.0, 8.600)

1:53 pm. Malea Milton BB: Front aerial with a little wobble into the jump series, neither jump was at 180. Bhs loso loso was great! Switch leap with a pause into the split leap. Good full turn. Side somi and side aerial both pretty good, just a tiny check on the latter. Dobule full, lands it with her feet staggered,

1:52 pm. Rotation three starting any minute!


1. Ella Kate Parker 27.250
2. Azaraya Ra-Akbar 26.550
3. Zoey Molomo 26.100
4. Alicia Zhou 26.050
5. Ella Murphy 25.850
6. Myli Lew 25.800
7. Michelle Pineda 25.400
8. Simone Rose 25.350
– Gabby Van Frayen 25.350

1:44 pm. Madray Johnson BB: Beautiful bhs loso loso. Good Onodi, side aerial with a little wobble. Front aerial, small check. Strong switch to switch half, full turn, double tuck with a lunge back. 13.300 (5.2, 8.100)

Eveylynn Lowe UB: Struggled a lot with finding her rhythm on the low bar but eventually brought it back into a really nice double layout. 11.000 (4.6, 6.400)

Nicole Desmond FX: 11.350 (4.9, 6.750, -0.3)

1:43 pm. Jayla Hang VT: FTY with a step to the side, overall strong! 13.250 (4.2, 9.050)

Myli Lew UB: Only saw the very end, double layout with a step back. 12.800 (5.5, 7.300)

Tiana Sumanasekera UB: Didn’t see any of this but 😦 9.500 (4.4, 5.100)

1:42 pm. Ella Kate Parker FX: We jumped in as she was landing one of her passes, looked like she hit, switch ring after was nice. Double pike, legs apart but good landing. Her presentation is out of this world. I don’t think any seniors have what she has in that department. 13.350 (5.1, 8.250)

1:40 pm. Hezly Rivera BB: A little wobble on the side aerial, check and then wobble on the bhs loso, hit her leap series and front aerial to jumps, switch ring but I wasn’t paying attention to form, 2.5 with a step to the side. 12.300 (5.0, 7.300)

Azaraya Ra-Akbar VT: Yurchenko 1.5, a little wild in the air and goes off to the side when she lands it, I think OOB. 13.300 (4.6, 8.800)

1:36 pm. Gabby Van Frayen FX: Double pike, small hop back. double L turn with a little hop to get it around, 2.5 with some leg form and a big step OOB, switch ring I think to tour jeté half. Good 1.5 to front layout. Double tuck with a small hop. 12.500 (4.9, 7.700, -0.1)

Michelle Pineda VT: 12.850 (4.2, 8.650)

Claire Pease BB: 12.700 (5.0, 7.700)

Taylor McMahon VT: Yurchenko layout, 11.300 (3.2, 8.100)

1:35 pm. Alicia Zhou UB: Arched over a toe full on the low bar but good fight to get it back quickly, solid piked Jaeger, full-in with some leg form going into it and a little step back. Maybe just a little rushed in this routine but her technique is everything. 12.900 (5.1, 7.800)

1:34 pm. Ella Murphy BB: Nice switch to switch half. Super solid bhs loso loso. Front aerial to split jump to wolf jump. Side aerial, full turn, 2.5, crossover step, but mostly great! 13.450 (5.3, 8.150)

Sydney Snyder FX: Saw the double tuck at the end but that was it. 11.850 (4.4, 7.450)

1:33 pm. Zoey Molomo VT: Good Yurchenko 1.5! Right down the middle, maybe some ankle form. 13.600 (4.6, 9.000)

Malea Milton UB: Very late in the toe full, good straddle Jaeger, double layout with a small hop back. 11.350 (4.7, 6.650)

Simone Rose VT: FTY with a little bounce back. 12.500 (4.2, 8.300)

Audrey Snyder FX: 12.350 (4.6, 7.750)

Annalisa Milton UB: 11.800 (4.9, 6.900)

1:30 pm. Avery King BB: Candle mount, clean double wolf turn, side aerial, switch to sissone, nice extension on both. Bhs, she’s a little off there and throws it into a back tuck completely sideways off the beam. Gets back up and does a bhs loso, what she meant to do the first time. REALLY quick thinking to do a back tuck off the beam instead of going into the loso and crashing! That was impressive as hell. Front aerial to split jump, and hit the double full dismount. 11.100 (4.1, 7.000)

1:26 pm. Second rotation warmups should be wrapping up!


1. Ella Kate Parker 13.900
2. Tiana Sumanasekera 13.700
3. Azaraya Ra-Akbar 13.250
4. Alicia Zhou 13.150
5. Annalisa Milton 13.050
6. Myli Lew 13.000
– Nicole Desmond 13.000
8. Malea Milton 12.900

1:20 pm. Azaraya Ra-Akbar FX: 1.5 through to 2.5 to punch front tuck, get it! Full-in, small slide back. Switch ring, excellent, to switch half. Double wolf turn. Tour jeté half is lovely. She is SO elegant. Dobule tuck with a tiny bounce in place. Little attitude turn down to the floor for her ending pose, just GORGEOUS.

1:18 pm. Taylor McMahon FX: Came in really low on I think a front layout full, couldn’t tell if she sat it but it was close. 1.5 to finish the routine, so we missed the beginning. 11.750 (4.9, 6.850)

1:16 pm. Ella Kate Parker BB: PURPLE! Love this for her. Side aerial loso loso, super solid. Front aerial to split jump to sissone, split jump was MAYBE a little shy? Switch to switch half, good connection, hard to tell the split angle. Full turn with a big smile. She is an artistry QUEEN. Double pike with a lunge. YES! 13.900 (5.6, 8.300)!

1:15 pm. Hezly Rivera UB: They started showing it from the toe shoot, and a clean double pike dismount with a step forward. 12.450 (4.6, 7.850)

1:13 pm. Gabby Van Frayen BB: Pretty Onodi! Bhs loso loso also very solid. Switch leap to switch half, great. Wasn’t typing during the rest but it was great, there was a split full at one point, and a really solid double tuck dismount. 12.850 (5.3, 7.550)

Michelle Pineda FX: Only saw the last pass, a 2.5. 12.550 (4.9, 7.650)

1:11 pm. Zoey Molomo FX: We didn’t see the whole routine but I saw the second-to-last and last passes, both hit. Last pass was a double tuck. 12.500 (5.1, 7.400)

Claire Pease UB: Inbar full, some form, inbar half to front giant to big straddle Jaeger, gets a ton of height but comes down a little close and misses the bar. Toe-on to Pak, lovely. Toe shoot. Double pike, chest a little forward with a big step. 11.850 (4.7, 7.150)

Tiana Sumanasekera VT: DTY! Looked like it had some leg form but solid hit. 13.700 (5.0, 8.700)

She also did a clean FTY after!

1:10 pm. Sydney Snyder BB: Hit a leap series and then a bhs loso, very solid on both! Switch leap, nice. Standing back tuck. Side aerial. All strong. Full turn. Good double full, hop back. 11.800 (4.2, 7.600)

Audrey Snyder BB: 12.150 (4.1, 7.750)

Alicia Zhou VT: 13.150 (4.2, 8.950)

Myli Lew VT: 13.000 (4.2, 8.800)

1:09 pm. Ella Murphy UB: Caught it from the Pak, toe shoot, great handstand before the toe-on, blind change to front giant half, super high double tuck. Her lines are heaven.

1:07 pm. Simone Rose FX: 2.5 to front tuck, good! Nice switch ring as well. I think the second pass was a 1.5 to front full or something in that vein, I watched and then forgot as usual. Hit a wolf turn as well. Solid double tuck. Looked like she finished that pass a little early and just kind of stood there for a minute waiting for the music before finishing up her choreo, I LOVE THE WEE ONES! 12.850 (4.9, 7.950)

Madray Johnson UB: 11.800 (5.3, 6.500)

1:06 pm. Avery King UB: Toe-on to Maloney to stalder to Tkachev, excellent! Pak was very clean, great handstand before the van Leeuwen (legs apart), blind change with a little hip adjustment, front giant half, blind full, and a double tuck with a hop back. 12.200 (4.7, 7.500)

Malea Milton VT: Another mostly solid FTY, just little things again. 12.900 (4.2, 8.700)

1:05 pm. Jayla Hang FX: Only saw the last pass, double pike that she bounced back and sat. 😦 11.200 (4.5, 7.000, -0.3)

Annalisa Milton VT: Solid FTY! Little things but nothing major. 13.050 (4.2, 8.850)

1:03 pm. Eveylynn Lowe VT: Yurchenko full, not super tight in the air and a bounce on the landing. 12.650 (4.2, 8.450)

Nicole Desmond BB: I missed the very beginning, caught it from the side aerial. Switch to split leap, bhs loso with a step back, front aerial to split jump to Korbut was very nice! Double tuck, excellent!! What I saw was fantastic.

1:02 pm. Only two judges per event? That seems weird?

1:00 pm. First rotation is warming up now!

12:58 pm. The junior women compete today, with their session happening on FlipNow. Start lists and live scores will be on MyUSAGym.

Reigning champion Ella Kate Parker is back, and we haven’t seen her since nationals last summer, because she was too young to contend for a spot on the two Pan Ams teams at just 13. She should be among the top juniors again this year, especially with so many of last year’s best moving into the senior ranks, though she’ll see big competition from Pan Am Games competitors Madray Johnson and Tiana Sumanasekera.

I’m also excited to see what Gabby Van Frayen and Azaraya Ra-Akbar have been able to do over her down time, and Johnson’s WOGA teammates – Ella Murphy, Avery King, and 13-year-olds Hezly Rivera and Claire Pease – should be strong as well. Rivera was excellent in a recent qualifier, finally getting her chance at elite after shuffling around at various gyms for a few years and not competing at this level since she competed at Hopes Championships in 2018, while Pease is fantastic on beam and floor, though bars tends to hold her back a bit.

Among the newer kids, I love Myli Lew, Kieryn Finnell, Jayla Hang (who just competed at the Nastia Liukin Cup two days ago!) and her teammate Simone Rose, and Alicia Zhou’s elite scores have been a little low due to lower difficulty and some mistakes, BUT she has some of the best technique in the game right now and if she isn’t at 100% today she’s still super promising for the future.

Also on the list are Audrey Snyder, Sydney Snyder, Eveylynn Lowe, Annalisa Milton, Malea Milton, Nicole Desmond, Taylor McMahon, Zoey Molomo, and Michelle Pineda. I haven’t seen as much from these gymnasts as I have from the others, but I’ve seen both of the Snyders in Hopes over the years and they’re very talented, while McMahon just got a massive beam score at a qualifier, and Desmond recently moved to First State so I’m excited to see how she looks…from my memory, she’s always been great on floor. Molomo and Pineda are also both excellent though I haven’t seen either of them in a couple of years at this point, and I haven’t seen any of the GAGE gymnasts (Lowe and the Miltons) at all, so I’m excited to see what they bring!

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