2023 Pan American Games | Men’s Team Final & Individual Qualifications Subdivision 1 Live Blog

Welcome to the live blog for the first subdivision of the men’s team final and individual qualifications at the 2023 Pan American Games, held in Santiago, Chile!

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4:06 pm. Subdivision 1 Team Standings

1. Canada 246.794
2. Argentina 238.995
3. Mexico 234.262
4. Chile 228.594
5. Puerto Rico 164.129

All-Around Standings

1. William Emard CAN 80.831
2. Félix Dolci CAN 80.632
3. Santiago Mayol ARG 80.032
4. Rodrigo Gomez MEX 78.799
5. Isaac Nuñez MEX 78.565
6. Edward Gonzales PER 78.132
7. Joel Alvarez CHI 77.731
8. Andres Perez PUR 76.431

3:59 pm. Félix Dolci CAN HB: Zou Li Min, Tak full was a little late, Tak half, legs are a bit wild on the Cassina, and then the Kolman goes too big and he’s off. Gets the Kovacs and layout Tkachev, straddle Tkachev, double double layout dismount with a baby hop, he looks so mad at himself.

Rodrigo Gomez MEX FX: I missed the beginning sadly. Beautiful 2.5 to front tuck. Triple full to finish.

3:58 pm. Joel Alvarez CHI SR: Had a really great set!! Pumped his arms at the crowd to get them screaming and chanting.

3:56 pm. René Cournoyer CAN HB: Tak half to layout Tkachev, straddle Tkachev to piked Tkachev, wild legs on the Tak full but gets it back under control, Yamawaki, double double layout, step forward.

Isaac Nuñez MEX FX: Arabian double front half was nice. So was the triple full to finish.

3:53 pm. Fabian de Luna MEX FX: Had a fall on his second pass.

Santiago Agostinelli ARG VT: He put up a Kas 1.5 but just did a full, powerful though! Good landing.

William Emard CAN HB: Yamawaki to Endo, front full pirouette, Tak half, big layout Kovacs, beautiful Kovacs after, double double layout with a lunge forward.

Daniel Villafañe ARG VT: Kas 1.5, big step forward, but got it around well! Also hit the handspring double front, super powerful, big hop forward.

3:51 pm. Zachary Clay CAN HB: Straddle Tkachev, inbar to stalder, gets through the rest really well, all of the front work, came up short on the Tak half, full-twisitng double layout dismount stuck.

Julian Jato ARG VT: Kas full, big hop back.

3:48 pm. Rotation 5 Standings

1. Canada 207.228
2. Argentina 197.296
3. Mexico 194.279
4. Chile 190.462
5. Puerto Rico 137.630

3:46 pm. Edward Gonzales PER FX: Hit the first pass, then a front double full to front layout, and a layout side pass. 1.5 to front full after that, some leg form but nothing severe. Strong landing on the 2.5 to finish.

3:41 pm. Daniel Villafañe ARG SR: Loved his maltese to iron cross. The rest was really nice, full-twisting double layout, some slight pike down.

Félix Dolci CAN PB: Hit routine from what I saw but missed the beginning, maybe a little deep on the dismount, he doesn’t look thrilled with everything.

3:38 pm. Santiago Agostinelli ARG SR: Saltos to iron cross, super solid control. Hit the rest.

Luciano Letelier CHI PH: Legs started to come apart halfway through and got stuck on the horse forcing him off sadly. Another fall as his legs brushed the pommels, the crowd thought that was his dismount and applauded wildly LOL I’m crying. Back on for the real dismount, which he hits.

René Cournoyer CAN PB: Hit routine!

Adickxon Trejo VEN FX: Clean front full to front double full. Big double front but he punches too far forward and lands on his hands OOB. Double full clean. 2.5 to front full, lost some leg form in the latter. Triple full, step forward.

3:37 pm. Isaac Nuñez MEX HB: All of his releases got OOOOOOHs from the crowd. Pirouette elements looked nice, and he stuck the full-twisting double layout, gorgeous set!

3:34 pm. Jose Lopez PUR VT: Clean handspring double front but doesn’t have the height, sits it. Also far back on the Kas 1.5 landing, I think he sat this one as well?

Santiago Mayol ARG SR: Good routine from what I saw, loved the saltos to iron cross, and he had a good landing on the full-twisting double layout.

Edward Rolin VEN FX: Piked double front, small hop. Came in low and forward on the double front after, big step OOB. Double double, hands down sadly. Clean 1.5 to front layout. 2.5 to finish, step forward.

William Emard CAN PB: Think this was a hit but I couldn’t see much of it.

I’m completely blocked on PB/HB right now, photographers need to learn to move out of my way at all times.

3:32 pm. Andres Vallaverde CRC FX: Front full down the side. Also had a 1.5 to front tuck and then front tuck down to front support, not a ton of difficulty but he’s doing clean work.

Rodrigo Gomez MEX HB: Don’t think I saw any of his releases if he did one, but what I did see was really nice, dismount was super clean with a great landing.

Zachary Clay CAN PB: Front pike to handstand was lovely. One-arm pirouette out to handstand was gorgeous. Minor form on a couple of pirouettes after that, but overall he’s doing really nice work, his lines are everything. Double pike with a small hop.

3:28 pm. Rotation 4 Standings

1. Canada 166.129
2. Argentina 157.730
3. Mexico 156.347
4. Chile 155.030
5. Puerto Rico 111.264

3:26 pm. I think we might be waiting for a pommels score? There’s been a bit of a lull.

3:22 pm. Luciano Letelier CHI FX: Super strong piked double front. Front full to double full, gets it around to his feet. Arabian double front half, couldn’t really see the landing but he got it. Double full was clean. Strong 2.5 to front layout. Step back on the triple full. Fabulous! Standing ovation!!!

3:19 pm. Joel Alvarez CHI FX: Arabian double front is strong. Tucked full-in I think for the second, also good. 2.5 to front layout, great landing. Front double full, leaning back a bit on the landing but gets it, and then has a strong double full down the side. Triple full to finish, big step back OOB, but a solid routine overall! Massive applause.

3:18 pm. Josue Juarez MEX PB: Had a fall early in the routine and then a second time as he missed a hand going into handstand, that one was kinda scary. That was supposed to be before the Tippelt. Remounts, gets the Tippelt really nicely this time, and has a strong dismount.

3:14 pm. Josue Armijo CHI FX: Piked double front, small hop forward. Clean double tuck. Hit the third pass, I was kinda blocked, and then side pass was a whip to double full I think? Sadly crashed the triple full at the end, just looked like he lost steam.

Edward Rolin VEN HB: Hard fall on the Kolman, flew under the bar. Came off a second time after that but I missed the skill.

3:13 pm. Félix Dolci CAN VT: Second vault is a big handspring double front, hop forward.

3:11 pm. Félix Dolci CAN VT: Just stuck a beautiful Kas 1.5! Canada is VAULTING.

I need to figure out where everyone else is and what’s happening. I know I saw a fall from Prado Cristobal on FX.

Jose Lopez just hit a good rings routine, tiny bounce on the dismount.

3:10 pm. William Emard CAN VT: Stuck a fabulous Kas 1.5!!!

René Cournoyer CAN VT: Handspring double front, strong landing!

Sorry, Scott just got here and we were saying hi so I missed a bit but am alone again now.

3:00 pm. Rotation 3 Standings

1. Canada 122.930
2. Argentina 118.298
3. Mexico 117.531
4. Chile 116.831
5. Puerto Rico 87.398

Guilbe went up on pommels for PUR btw!

2:55 pm. Luciano Letelier CHI HB: Endo to Tak full, beautiful. Tak half, tiniest leg separation, to layout Tkachev, huge Kolman but sadly he’s off. NOOOOOO. I really wanted him in this final. Back on for a straddle Tkachev, Quast, stalder, and a full-twisting double layout dismount, step forward.

Piked double front, small hop. Double double, step back OOB. Arabian double front half, step. 1.5 to tuck front full down the side. 2.5 at the end was strong.

2:53 pm. William Emard CAN SR: Inverted hang to back giant to handstand, holds it well, front giant to handstand before his salto elements to straddle sit, presses to handstand, muscles the last bit, double double dismount with a hop back.

2:51 pm. Félix Dolci CAN SR: Wasn’t typing but this was great! Very clean and controlled, just a baby step on the dismount.

Joel Alvarez CHI HB: Tak full was a bit wild and finished horizontally, Yamawaki, Quast, straddle Tkachev, blind change to Endo, Tak half went crooked and lost leg form but he fought through, stalder, and a tucked double double, some leg form and a step back, absolutely RIDICULOUS applause!

2:50 pm. Fabian de Luna MEX VT: Kas 1.5, not as clean as the others in this rotation, and he’s a bit short, but gets it around without falling! Second vault is a handspring double front, really really low on the landing, maybe a sit but he jumped up out of it really fast.

Josue Armijo CHI HB: Wasn’t typing but this was a hit! Lovely Endo form.

Julian Jato ARG FX: Wasn’t typing for all of this but he had some nice passes, including a strong double front and a 2.5 to finish.

2:48 pm. Isaac Nuñez MEX VT: Looked like a Kas full, huge, great landing!

René Cournoyer CAN SR: Nice on the saltos through to pike sit, really steady hold. Presses well to handstand. Double double dismount, hop back.

2:46 pm. Daniel Villafañe ARG FX: 2.5 to front layout, some soft knees but got the landing. Double front with little steps. Triple full with steps back.

Josue Juarez MEX VT: Big Kas full, big step back/to the side OOB.

Prado Cristobal CHI HB: Caught the straddle Tkachev with slight form. The rest was hit, tucked double double dismount with a hop.

Rodrigo Gomez MEX VT: Really strong Kas full, small hop back.

Zachary Clay CAN SR: Hit what I saw!

2:43 pm. Rotation 2 Standings

1. Canada 81.664
2. Chile 79.832
3. Argentina 78.332
4. Mexico 76.332
5. Puerto Rico 49.166

It looks like Puerto Rico may have an injured athlete or something as Nelson Guilbe hasn’t competed anything yet.

2:38 pm. Josue Juarez MEX SR: Saw most of this, looked okay, full-twisting double layout was a bit short and the landing wasn’t what it could have been.

Joel Alvarez CHI PH: Again wasn’t typing but this was a hit, he looked thrilled at the end. They don’t have a ton of difficulty there but are doing well enough.

2:37 pm. Shoutout to the photographers who see me sitting where I am and still decide to stand directly in front of me, cute behavior!

2:35 pm. Félix Dolci CAN PH: I missed the beginning, by the time I caught up he was doing well but then lost his leg form pretty significantly, good fight back after that and made it into the dismount.

2:34 pm. Julian Jato ARG HB: Hit everything at the beginning, Tak full tried to put it to handstand andw ent a little over but saved it from going directionally wrong, hit a piked Tkachev, then a straddled Tkachev, stuck the full-twisting double layout.

Luciano Letelier CHI PB: Nice Tippelt! The rest that I saw was nice, clean dismount.

2:32 pm. Jayson Rampersad CAN PH: I missed the beginning, had a moment going into the Russians where his legs came apart, fought well to bring them back together, and the rest is smooth sailing, good into the dismount!

Edward Rolin VEN VT: Clean Yurchenko double full, maybe a little shy on the landing, but nice overall.

Unfortunately he sat his second vault.

2:29 pm. Zachary Clay CAN PH: I started watching at his flop work, moved well into circles, traveled in Russians, wide-arm travel, then circles back and forth, easy press up into the dismount, maybe a little rush to get it around but a strong routine!

Edward Gonzales PER VT: Solid kas full.

Andres Perez PUR FX: Sat the first pass, a double front. Came in kind of wild into the front double full but still able to punch out of it. Triple full with a step back. Layout down the side. 2.5 to finish was strong.

Santiago Mayol ARG HB: Wasn’t typing but saw most of this, looked good, clean full-twisting double layout dismount.

Andres Valverde CRC VT: Just a Kas, landed it well.

2:28 pm. William Emard CAN PH: Wasn’t typing but he started Canada off with a pommels hit!

Luca Alfieri ARG HB: Also wasn’t typing but this was a hit routine, tucked double double dismount.

Josue Armijo CHI PB: Another hit routine! Crowd went wild.

2:22 pm. Rotation 1 Standings

1. Chile 41.599
2. Canada 41.032
3. Argentina 39.366
4. Mexico 37.299
5. Puerto Rico 24.800

2:20 pm. Andres Valverde CRC SR: Hit everything at the beginning, was swinging a lot in the pike sit and it took him a lot to get it to handstand. Double double dismount with a hop back.

2:18 pm. Félix Dolci CAN FX: Front full to piked double front, some knees in the latter, but lands well. Double double, hop back. Front layout to randi, excellent landing. Clean double front. 2.5 to tucked barani, small hop. Triple full, small hop. 14.266!

I’ve missed ALL of ARG on PB.

2:14 pm. William Emard CAN FX: Good landing on the first pass. Randi, small hop to the side. Piked double front was solid. Small hop back on the arabian double front half. Sat his second to last pass, I couldn’t see it, maybe 2.5 to front layout? It def ended with a layout, just came up a bit short and sat it down. Triple full to end.

Prado Cristobal CHI VT: Didn’t see what he was attempting but he crashed it to his back. Probably a Kas full?

2:12 pm. René Cournoyer CAN FX: Double double, and then a front layout to double front, both strong. Arabian double front half-out, could be a bit higher in the set but he lands well enough. 1.5 to front full. Big step forward on the 2.5 at the end.

Jose Lopez PUR HB: Looked over just as he’d fallen on the Kovacs. Hit everything else I believe, some form in a couple of the circle elements, clean full-twisting double layout with a hop forward.

Josue Armijo CHI VT: Think he did a Kas full, looked good!

2:11 pm. I can’t really see p-bars or high bar super well because one of the volunteers keeps walking in front of me in that direction but I’ll get what I can. ARG is on PB and PUR on HB right now.

2:10 pm. Luciano Letelier CHI VT: He was one of their most promising juniors basically ever, I loved watching him at that level but haven’t seen much of him as a senior, just a few world cups I think. And probably a Pan Am Championships. Just did a really nice Kas full, steady on the landing.

2:08 pm. Jayson Rampersad CAN FX: Hit his opening pass and then a Front double full, small hop. Clean double tuck. a little low out of the front layout to rudi. 2.5 at the end had a good landing but I think both feet were OOB.

Jose Alvarez CHI VT: Solid Kas full, good landing.

Isaac Nuñez MEX PH: Started well and looked to be mostly in contro lbut came off near the end. REmounted and go through the rest but was a little wild into the dismount, really had to rush it around.

2:05 pm. Athletes in this subdivision are from Argentina, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, Perutro Rico, and Venezuela!

Touch warmups are underway.

2:00 pm. The gymnasts are marching out now! Good crowd here so far! The entire lower bowl looks full, aside from one of the delegation sections, which is pretty empty.

Article by Lauren Hopkins

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