Hopes Classic Live Blog | Session 2


Lundyn VanderToolen, one of the top Hopes 12-13 contenders

Welcome to the live blog for the 12-13 age division at the 2018 Hopes Classic, held in Salt Lake City, Utah!

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11:54 pm. Perkins BB: Great flight series. Switch leap to switch half, a little shy of 180 on the latter. Had a little wobble on a piece of her choreo. Side split half, also a little short. Super clean 1.5 with a step forward.

11:51 pm. Pearce BB: Side aerial, wobble sideways and then a fall. Side split half. Hit the dismount.

Ella Zirbes with a 49.900, currently tied for third with Vandertoolen and Sears with Witte first and Pederson second. Still waiting on one more beam routine but I think this’ll be the podium!

11:49 pm. Harris VT: Yurchenko layout with a hop back.

11:48 pm. Warner FX: I missed most of this but she looked like she had a great set!

Lily Pederson finishes with a 51.050!!! Her teammate also hit beam.

11:43 pm. Pederson BB: Super solid bhs loso loso. Side somi is also great. She has been nothing but golden all freaking day. Full turn, switch leap into a little almost arabesque, back tuck is also solid. Hit the dismount with a step and she’s thrilled! WHAT A DAY.

Mya Witte gets a 12.4 on bars to finish her day with a 51.300!

11:40 pm. Lundyn Vandertoolen gets a 49.900 after a 13.7 on bars! That should win that title here no problem, and it’s a great comeback from her unusually low beam and floor scores to put her back near the top. Ava Harper gets a 49.400, Chavala Shepard with a 49.350.

Wyly BB: Side aerial, good extension. Front aerial to split jump, straddle jump after that, then a back tuck, nothing super connected so her dance series CR could be at risk…I don’t think Hopes gymnasts are quick enough on their feet yet to come up with a backup series. Even many senior elites can’t do that. Hits the dismount.

11:39 pm. Jelen UB: Toe half to straddle Jaeger, clear hip to toe on to bail (legs apart) to toe shoot, double layout gets distance but no height and she puts her hands down.

11:38 pm. Harper BB: Switch leap, back tuck,not connected, front aerial, jump series, slow and steady and lovely work. Full Y turn, really nice! 1.5 dismount. Omg her smile, she looks just like her mom! Minus the Annie wig.

11:36 pm. Hoffman FX: Clean double pike to start. Really nice form in the air on her next two passes. Great set, and solid comeback after beam.

I missed Ava Harper’s bars but she had a 13.4!!!! Just a little update there for you. Skylar Draser with a 48.500, Clara Wallace with a 48.450.

11:35 pm. Shepard BB: Nice flight series, switch to split to back pike, good! She has a big cheer section here it seems. Side aerial, wobbles through it, but good fight. Double full is a bit underrotated but she hit!

CJ Keuneke finishes with a 49.100 which is kind of surprising?! I feel like she kind of snuck on up there…her bars and beam weren’t great but she more than made up for it on floor.

11:33 pm. Keuneke UB: Clear hip, Pak, toe shoot, toe on, double tuck with a lunge forward.

DiCello VT: Clean FTY with a little bounce.

Wallace FX: Really great leaps at the start. 2.5 to front pike is also solid.

Draser UB: I only saw the dismount, which she hit with a little bounce.

11:30 pm. Mueller VT: Yurchenko layout, not bad.

Macasu UB: A little iffy in some of her form, but she stuck the double tuck! Get it baby Kyla hairbow.

Wright FX: Double pike, super buckled landing but stands up out of it like it’s no big thang. 1.5 to front full, great! Clean double full.

Jamison Sears finishes with a 49.900, Mahleea Werline with a 48.900.

11:28 pm. Cho BB: She’s so chill, and dancey. She reminds me of Chloe Lorange of Gymnix, and not just because her name is Chloe. Good flight series and jump series. Side aerial. Split ring leap. Front aerial, knees bend a bit but she saves it, 1.5 dismount, great landing.

11:26 pm. Hopes 12-13 Standings

1. Mya Witte 38.900
2. Lily Pederson 38.350
3. Chavala Shepard 38.250
4. Jaelah Warner 37.750
5. Ella Zirbes 37.700
6. Clara Wallace 37.300
7. Ava Harper 37.250
— Jamison Sears 37.250

11:21 pm. I think the only on left in this rotation is on floor so we should get to see the whole routine! WOOT.

Lowe FX: Drumline kinda music which I love. Double pike with a lunge. “Twist and Shout” now. Omg I think her music has screaming in it? Like cheering. That’s awesome, bring your own cheer section everywhere you go. Double tuck is a tad short. Good 1.5 to front layout. Finishes with a clean double full with a tiny hop. Fab!

11:19 pm. Kaplan FX: Caught it from the 1.5 to front layout. Smiling at the end so assuming the rest was hit.

11:17 pm. Zirbes UB: Toe on to blind full, Pak, these Flips girls are tight in literally everything they do. Toe shoot, double tuck with a step. Another solid set!

Warner BB: Front aerial, little bobble into her split ring jump, wobbles and grabs the beam. Korbut after that. Side split jump half, double full with some crossed ankles and a little step.

11:14 pm. Newman-Achee BB: Wobbled through what I think was a double wolf turn, and put her hand down at the end of it. Bhs loso, way off-center and she falls, big sigh of frustration. Full L turn showed great control. Side aerial. Good jumps. Double full, some crossed ankles and a step.

Pederson UB: I missed all of this except the double tuck, looked clean and just a tad low but she looks happy with the routine overall!

Lucas FX: Cutting in just in time for her dance section after her opening pass(es). Good double full.

11:13 pm. DiCello FX: Hit the first three passes I think, I was kinda watching in the background. Last pass is a double tuck to her knees.

Wyly UB: Only saw the double pike dismount but based on the yelling that was a hit!

11:09 pm. Goveia FX: Good double tuck to start. Double full. Good work.

Hoffman BB: Landed hard on her side on her bhs loso loso and had to take a minute to catch herself. Back on, front aerial, little bobble, full turn, double full, lunge back, she just made 1 BILLION “not impressed” faces in a row, I’m dying, no tears though. It’s okay, kiddos, falls happen and you don’t need to be in peak shape for like 50 more years because YOU’RE LITERALLY SMALL CHILDREN.

11:06 pm. Wallace BB: bhs loso loso, good! Hit her leaps after that. Side aerial, back tuck, not connected but you can tell she wants to get it there. Double full looks a little crooked from this angle but good landing.

11:02 pm. Pomager FX: Big band kinda routine. Double tuck with a little lunge. Front layout front pike. 1.5 to front tuck, very nice! She was super tidy throughout.

Warner UB: Maloney, full-in dismount, chest down and a tiny step back. Good work from what I could see.

Wright BB: I only saw the dismount, a double full with a step…she’s sobbing though so I’m guessing she fell earlier. ALL THE BEAM TEARS TODAY.

10:58 pm. Cho UB: Hit routine, she looks jazzed!

Sears BB: Cute and unique mount series. Bhs loso is super floaty. Punch front tuck, split ring jump, back leg is ALMOST there, switch to switch half, the latter is just shy of 180, front aerial, wobble into jump series, double tuck, you can tell it’s a tough one for her from her prep, and she stumbles it back and sits it…literally practically on the floor exercise mat where someone is currently competing hahaha. Aww, she looks SO upset after an otherwise great routine. Smiles but then fights back tears. IT’S OKAY, JAMISON, YOU’VE HAD A FABULOUS DAY OTHERWISE AND YOU WENT FOR A MAD DIFFICULT DISMOUNT AT A MEET WHERE A DOUBLE FULL IS CONSIDERED HARD.

10:55 pm. Perkins UB: Maloney, bail is a little short, good double tuck with a little bounce.

Winger BB: A little bobble on her full turn and a check on her side split jump half, front aerial, not quite square and she falls. A jump into a back tuck, solid, and she hit the dismount.

Werline FX: I missed most of this but it’s VERY IMPORTANT to state that her music is the Pretty Little Liars theme song and I’m screeching.

10:52 pm. Karay BB: Hit everything that I saw at the start, front aerial to split jump to Korbut was especially great. Solid dismount.

Harris FX: This stream hasn’t been bad at all but it always jumps mid-routine for someone so it’s hard to pull myself in at first just for one pass or whatever. I just saw her double full which was good but she doesn’t look particularly thrilled.

10:50 pm. Hopes 12-13 Standings

1. Lily Pederson 26.000
2. Mya Witte 25.800
— Ella Zirbes 25.800
4. Jaelah Warner 25.500
5. Jamison Sears 25.350
6. Chavala Shepard 25.300
7. Bronwyn Hoffman 25.200
8. Lauren Pearce 25.050
— Clara Wallace 25.050

This isn’t including the girls who competed in the earlier session, just FYI!

10:45 pm. Lucas BB: Good flight series and front aerial to jumps! Side split half with a tiny bobble, great routine!

Hoffman UB: OMG HER HAIR IS BANANAS CUTE. Nice Pak, Blind change to front giant half, speedy giants into a double tuck.

10:44 pm. DiCello BB: Bhs loso loso, you can tell after the first loso that the second one isn’t going to happen and she kind of crashes it on the beam before falling. Looks like it hurt but her face is just like “meh that sucked.” Side aerial, switch to back tuck, 1.5 dismount

Wallace UB: Stalder to blind change to piked Jaeger, not bad! Nice handstand before her toe on to Pak, some leg stuff in the air but it’s the typical “I’m 12 and doing a Pak” kinda stuff, double tuck with a little tiny shuffle.

10:43 pm. Wright UB: I missed the beginning, stalder to Maloney to Pak, nice, the Pak just got a little wonky, toe shoot back up, caught a little close, toe half to front giant to double front, aww, sat it.

10:38 pm. Pomager BB: Came off on something but I missed what…my stream got laggy for a minute so I missed most of that but think she just had that one fall. I’LL TRY TO BE BETTER.

Emma Boyd was able to stand up after getting checked out…everyone clapped and she seems okay. But my GOD that was terrifying.

10:33 pm. Mueller BB: Front aerial, solid jump series after it with great extension, super solid bhs loso, great punch front, off on a side somi. Clean double full.

Boyd UB: Toe on to Chow to Pak, nice!! Most difficult series I’ve seen on bars all day. Toe shoot, inbar half to piked Jaeger, a little stretched but she gets it, ugh, then loses her rhythm and kind of flails for a minute before hopping off. SO CLOSE. Does the same thing again when she gets on, just cant get that cast around. Doesn’t come off this time…but THEN OH MY GOD her double tuck goes RIGHT ON TOP OF THE BAR AND SHE HITS HER HEAD ON THE HIGH BAR. I’m over these bars head injuries today TBH THIS WAS THE THIRD ONE. That was another rough one. She legit hit her neck on the bar and bounced off.

10:31 pm. Draser FX: I missed the beginning but could see that she hit her two opening passes. Solid double tuck to finish.

10:27 pm. Keuneke FX: Front double full goes a little wild but she’s able to straighten out a bit before punching front. Double pike with a lunge. Great 2.5!

10:26 pm. Sears UB: Really aggressive bar work! Great Pak and stalder to toe shoot, great front giant, and her double pike is YUUUUUGE, practically goes to the end of the mat, and gets good height too.

10:24 pm. Winger UB: Good Jaeger and Pak! Really nice form. Short handstand after that and then she kind of has to regroup and get her rhythm back, arches over another handstand, and then misses her toe shoot. Toe shoots at this meet are like the most common fall so far. Double tuck is basically stuck.

Macasu FX: Front full front pike is good. Omg she has some jazz piano kinda music and there’s one moment in her choreo where she plays air piano, I’m screaming. Plus she’s wearing a feathery scrunchie like Kyla Ross circa 2009 so she wins all the prizes. A little messy on her double full to finish.

10:22 pm. Walker BB: She looks like a mini Brooklyn Moors. Wobbled at the end of her flight series but held on. Side split half, front aerial, little stumble, good jump series, double full with some crossed ankles but a decent landing.

Witte FX: Didn’t see most of this…slash almost anything but the last pass, but THAT was good.

10:21 pm. Karay UB: Stalder to Pak, nice, toe on to toe shoot, misses the high bar by a few inches. These wee ones and their toe shoots…they can do the hardest skills but just can’t get from one bar to the next!

10:19 pm. Jelen FX: I caught it from the second pass I think, which was hit. Also hit the last pass, I didn’t see details because my internet is kind of going out but hit routine from what I DID see!

10:18 pm. Lowe BB: Good flight series, front aerial, ring jump (but the back leg isn’t great so probably split jump credit), side aerial, wants to put it to a leap series eventually but it’s not quite quick enough yet, double full with a baby hop. Lots of promise in that!

10:15 pm. Kaplan BB: Bhs loso was solid. Went a little wild on her side aerial, and fell. Punch front and leaps are nice.

VanderToolen FX: Hit the beginning from what I could see. Unfortunately she had a rough time on beam last rotation. 2.5 to front tuck, some legs crossed, hit 1.5 through to double full with some messy legs.

10:13 pm. Kinda hard to do standings and include the girls from the last group since their AA scores are up but the high scores in that rotation went to Jaelah Warner on vault (13.65), Jamison Sears on vault (13.3), Mya Witte on beam (13.3), Bronwyn Hoffman on vault (13.1), and Sydney Jelen on beam (13.05).

10:08 pm. Shepard FX: Excited for this! Her footing going into her double tuck looked like she slipped but then she busted out a stuck double tuck. GET IT. 1.5 to front layout is great. A little stumble on her double turn. Clean and nearly stuck double full. I think she showed the greatest control on her tumbling landings that I’ve seen so far.

10:04 pm. Ahern FX: Started out well but went for a front full and kind of landed it 3/4 of the way around on her side…and then sat her last pass. That was a bummer after such a good start.

10:01 pm. Cho FX: OHHHH YAAAS the opening of her routine is FAB choreo-wise. Double pike is nice and big. Front double full, big step to the side. Nice switch ring to tour jeté half. Ugh, went for a 2.5 to finish and kind of stumbled it to finish low. Ambitious routine in terms of tumbling and choreo though.

Boyd VT: Solid FTY, step back.

10:00 pm. Macasu BB: I missed most of this…good from what I saw, double full was a bit messy, stumbled back out of it.

Harris UB: Good from what I saw! Just a little hop on the double tuck.

Sears VT: FTY, not bad! Bounce back.

9:56 pm. Witte BB: Bhs loso is excellent. Full turn. Front aerial, oooh, wobbles but grabs her knees and stays on. Hits the jump series after. Side split half, good. Switch to switch half to back tuck, good. Side aerial, little check, double tuck with a little step forward. They started the touch warmup for the other events literally halfway through her routine which was a mistake and shouldn’t have happened.

9:55 pm. Pearce FX: Double pike goes a little bouncy out of bounds, 1.5 to front layout is a little off-line and gets a bit piked as well. Slow to rotate through her double tuck and I got scared for a sec but she pulls it through.

9:53 pm. VanderToolen BB: Front aerial, lands it a little wonky and ends up like, dipping down into a little tuck lol. Good save though! Solid double full dismount.

9:51 pm. Lowe UB: Straddle Jaeger, Pak, double tuck, all SUPER tidy. Fabulous!

Zirbes FX: Double pike, little shuffle. 1.5 to front full, the full gets a little tucked in the knees but she gets it around. OMG EVANESCENCE WAKE ME UP INSIDE AHAHAHA YAAAAAAAAS. OBSESSED. Hit the last pass. BLESS this music.

9:50 pm. Draser BB: Hit the beginning. Excellent extension on her bhs loso. Side split half is a little short. Front aerial, big wobble but good fight. Side aerial, again tries to fight a wobble but falls this time.

Pederson FX: Cut to this in the middle of her choreo section between passes and she’s SELLING IT. Love!!! Big 2.5 and it’s super clean! Omg she’s a wee little star.

9:48 pm. Warner VT: Great FTY attempt!

Wyly FX: I caught it from her 1.5, which was apparently the last pass. Interesting music.

Karay VT: Yurchenko layout, the better of the Yurchenko layouts tbh! Just a lunge back.

Lucas UB: Blind change to piked Jaeger, some leg stuff when she caught but good difficulty. Pak, some flexed feet, oof, her toe shoot gets about half of the amplitude she needs and she just kind of lands. Toe shoot again is better. Double front, low with a step.

9:46 pm. Newman-Achee VT: She’s from Chelsea Piers which is where I go when I want to stumble around and hurt myself! They have some level 10s but elites are rare. Yurchenko layout, iffy form.

DiCello UB: Kayla’s little sister. Pak caught a tad close. The rest is good and she has promising lines. Double pike with a little bounce.

9:43 pm. Wallace VT: FTY, some loose form, but just a little hop on the landing.

Harper FX: Daniela Silivas’ daughter!!! What if she just busted out a double double. Double pike is good, just a lunge. 1.5 to front pike, some knee stuff but overall good. Switch leap to tour jeté half. Double full, a little short but the landing isn’t bad, just a little far forward in her chest.

9:39 pm. The national anthem just finished, and athletes are getting ready for the touch warmup on their first event! We’ll be back in about three minutes with the start of the rotation.

5 thoughts on “Hopes Classic Live Blog | Session 2

  1. Does Hopes use the same code as elite? The scores these girls are getting seem similar to what the elites have been getting… is the only difference age?


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